Page 43 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
P. 43


         AfCFTA can unlock economic growth in Africa

                                                      By Mervyn Naidoo, Group Chief Executive Officer at
                                                       ACTOM and Chairman of the Manufacturing Circle

         The African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) can support the development of
         local OEMs and unlock economic growth on the continent.

           n most African countries, local manufacturers tend to look   Hence, the reasons for African countries to actively
           towards imported equipment when choosing an original   look at using the existing demand for equipment
        I equipment manufacturer (OEM), often selecting imports   manufacturing to stimulate regional economies and create
         from the Far East due to the lower costs associated with these   jobs, as opposed to importing goods and benefiting other
         products. This is mainly because many African countries lack   economies, are compelling.
         the capabilities and manufacturing capacity to locally produce
         equipment across various industry segments, which often   While the generally lower cost positioning of equipment
         makes the procurement of equipment in-country difficult and   imported from the East does make it tough for African
         expensive.                                           manufacturers to compete, it is not impossible. African
                                                              manufacturers need to look aggressively at how to
            This means that, by default, many African manufacturing   position themselves to be competitive against foreign
         companies turn to the West, Europe or most commonly the   OEMs and the key to this will be to leverage the benefits of
         East – particularly China – to source equipment. However, the   AfCFTA.
         benefits of lower upfront costs are generally negated by the life
         cycle costs of the imported products.                Incentivise trade
                                                              The reduction in tariffs under AfCFTA will automatically
            On the other hand, equipment manufactured by local OEMs   contribute to promoting the use of locally manufactured
         has the benefit of being backed up by local competence and   goods on the continent as it will introduce an element of
         intellectual property, providing equipment owners with support   increased competitiveness and open borders to facilitate
         and maintenance throughout the product’s life cycle. As is often   trade between countries. At the same time, governments
         the case, imported equipment can quickly become useless and   will have to play their part to incentivise trade between
         obsolete due to a lack of spare parts and expertise to maintain it.  African countries, which will ultimately stimulate regional
                                                              economies across the continent.
         Economic stimulus
         Additionally, developing a local vertical supply chain that can   One of the key outcomes that must flow from AfCFTA
         support equipment from cradle to grave brings wider economic   is that African countries must effectively meet the
         benefits to a country, including an economic stimulus that   demands of manufacturers on the continent by effectually
         ultimately leads to the expansion of industry, job creation and   exploiting the readily available raw materials needed for
         increased gross domestic product. Typically, manufacturing   equipment manufacturing. Many of the resources required
         multiplies employment – for every job created, many more are   to produce these products are found on the continent and
         created in the vertical supply chain.                these should be beneficiated locally to add value.

            As many African countries grapple with high unemployment   The establishment of local manufacturing plants and
         rates, developing and growing local and regional OEM capabilities   factories will, in turn, stimulate economic growth and
         would see more people become economically active, which   ensure sustainability in terms of cradle-to-grave life cycle
         would drive greater demand for resources such as electricity,   support for locally manufactured equipment. This will
         water, data and service. An economically active population also   unlock economic growth in Africa. If done wisely, AfCFTA
         creates demand for infrastructure growth and services, in turn   can help to boost African economies and change the plight
         boosting demand for locally manufactured equipment.  of many countries on the continent. •

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