Page 39 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
P. 39


         Electric forkli�s keeping pace with

         e-commerce warehousing demands

                                      By Stephen Mostert, National Technical Manager at CFAO Equipment SA

         The rise of e-commerce is changing the way warehouses are designed and
         operated, with experts predicting that it will increase the size of the global
         forklift market.

                nline shopping (e-commerce) has taken the retail   specialists meet carbon-neutrality goals. With forklifts that

                industry by storm, with some sources predicting   are fitted with internal combustion engines no longer being
         Othat by 2040, almost 95 percent of all shopping will   allowed in closed warehouses, electric forklifts, especially
          be at least in part facilitated by e-commerce. The impact of   those using lithium-ion batteries, are becoming more
          the COVID-19 pandemic has also resulted in fewer visits to   dominant.
          brick-and-mortar shops, with many large retailers managing
          to effectively capitalise on a change in consumer demand   Until about a decade ago, old generation forklifts that
          by shifting most of their operations online.        used diesel or gas-driven engines were popular. Over
                                                              the past few years, we have seen a steady increase in
            As consumer spending habits are changing, so too is   demand for battery-operated equipment as businesses
          the way suppliers and manufacturers deal with this growth.   strive to reduce their carbon footprint. In material handling,
          In particular, the rise of e-commerce is changing the way   especially in the e-commerce sector, time is money.
          warehouses are designed and operated.
                                                                 With forklifts powered by lithium-ion batteries, downtime
            The ever-shifting retail landscape is keeping managers   is significantly reduced. These machines can work 24 hours

          of traditional forms of warehouses on their toes. Today,   a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, perfectly
          speed is the name of the game – consumers can review,   meeting the needs of e-commerce outlets.
          compare and purchase items faster than ever with the
          expectation of delivery without delay.                 Unlike lead-acid batteries that emit
                                                              fumes, the lithium-ion battery has zero
            To accomplish this race against time, warehouses now   emissions. Lithium-ion batteries require less time to
          look very different from in the past. E-commerce requires   charge than their lead-acid counterparts, which also
          businesses to not only stock a larger selection of items, but   have to rest before they can be used again. Thus,
          also have additional space available for the technology and   your fleet will benefit from increased productivity.

          equipment facilitating the various high-speed processes   Since lithium-ion batteries maintain a higher, more
          taking place.                                       stable voltage throughout a shift, you will also
                                                              experience higher forklift performance, which can
            Warehouses today need premises large enough to    translate to increased output.
          accommodate goods and employees as well as the
          automated equipment carrying out certain processes. They   The size of a forklift is also key to operational

          also require much taller interiors to allow for higher stacking   efficiency. Whereas forklifts with internal combustion
          of merchandise.                                     engines were bulky, their electric counterparts are
                                                              more compact and contribute to the goal
            Experts predict that e-commerce will increase the size   of maximising operational space within
          of the global forklift market and electric lifting and carrying   a company’s warehouse or distribution
          machines specifically will help retailers and logistics   centre. •

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