Page 44 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
P. 44


                                                                               t truth –
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          Our own inconvenient truth –
          Our o
          national logistics
          national logistics

          National logistics – a sector of transcendental importance to the national economy – has experienced

          watershed moments this year.
               he situation intensified in the third and                    “Over the past two weeks, leaders from

               fourth quarters, when capacity issues at                  across the logistics, supply chain and transport
         T all key ports reached crisis point, resulting                 sectors have supplied exhaustive detail of the
          in severe backlogs of freight and costly delays,               situation to business and the nation, generating
          impacting the complete supply chain – to name                  wide media coverage. The message from
          just two of many other severe consequences.                    industry highlighted the issues, while at the same
          In the main, the impacts are due to high                       time underscoring solutions that are, by and
          inefficiencies and infrastructural collapse.                   large, matters covered in the logistics roadmap to

                                                                         recovery and the work of the National Logistics
            “The national logistics crisis is our own                    Crisis Committee (NLCC),” maintains Dr Maree.
          ‘inconvenient truth’,” says Dr Juanita Maree, Chief            “This is all work in progress, thanks to the

          Executive Officer of the South African Association             collective focus. But it is no secret that fixing the

          of Freight Forwarders (SAAFF). “The full extent of  Dr Juanita Maree, CEO of   fundamental issues requires time and significant
          the position must be fully understood and, at the  SAAFF.      resources. To be sustainable, the approach
          same time, it is equally important to know that                requires a complete overhaul of the strategy
          the issues are being addressed by government and the private   and operational approach to the management of port and rail
          sector as a matter of national importance of the highest priority   infrastructure – these are matters at the top of the agenda at
          from a platform of shared responsibility. Without a functioning   parliamentary, institutional, national and regional levels.”
          logistics network, 60 percent of our economy is at risk since
          trade in goods represents the major portion of our national   Dr Maree continues: “The reality is that the issues are
          economy and demands the uninterrupted movement of goods.”  now with us and impact indiscriminately all sectors of the

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