Page 49 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
P. 49


          Global logistics execs foresee

          surge of African investment

         Nearly 62 percent of global logistics professionals say their companies
         are planning additional or first-time investments in Africa, according to a   Agility’s Vice

         closely watched yearly industry survey.                                     Chairman,
                                                                                     Tarek Sultan.

                he survey of 830 logistics executives is part   (9) is Africa’s most digitally ready and the continent’s
                of the 15  annual Agility Emerging Markets    highest-ranked country in any category.
         T Logistics Index, a snapshot of industry sentiment
         and ranking of the world’s 50 leading emerging markets.   More than 63 percent of survey respondents say
         The index ranks countries for overall competitiveness   their companies continue overhauling supply chains by
         based on their logistics strengths, business climates   spreading production to multiple locations or relocating
         and digital readiness – factors that make them       it to home markets and nearby countries. China, the
         attractive to logistics providers, freight forwarders, air   world’s leading producer, stands to be most affected:
         and ocean carriers, distributors and investors. In the   37.4 percent of industry professionals say they plan
         2024 index, the rankings of most African economies   to move production/sourcing out of China or reduce
         changed little from a year earlier, but businesses   investment there.
         indicate they are looking ahead at massive population
         growth and trade expansion spurred by the African       Shipping and logistics costs that soared during the
         Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).                COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath are still climbing,
                                                              but at a slower rate, the survey found. One way shippers
            “This is the most optimism we’ve seen about Africa   expect to cope is by increasing the use of digital freight
         in the 15 years of the index,” says Agility Vice Chairman   forwarding from 37.8 percent today to 52 percent in five
         Tarek Sultan. “Africa’s population will double by 2050   years.
         when one in four people on the planet will be African.
         International businesses realise that the time is now for   John Manners-Bell, Chief Executive of Ti, says:
         Africa – they need to invest, establish their brands and   “Supply chain managers are still coming to terms with
         develop the next generation of African talent if they’re   the political and economic instability characterising
         going to ride the coming wave of growth.”            the post-COVID-19 global economy. Geopolitical
                                                              relationships are changing rapidly and this is having a
            China and India were one and two in the 50-country   major impact on international trade and risk profiles.
         index rankings. In Africa, Egypt (20), Morocco (22),   Businesses need to be alive to the opportunities and
         South Africa (24) and Kenya (25) were the top        threats that exist in emerging markets and use data,
         performers, followed by Ghana (31), Nigeria (36), Tunisia   such as the Agility Emerging Market Logistics Index, to
         (37), Tanzania (41), Algeria (42), Uganda (43), Ethiopia   inform agile decision-making.”
         (45), Mozambique (46), Angola (47) and Libya (50).
                                                                 Transport Intelligence, a leading analysis and
            Egypt has Africa’s highest ranked domestic logistics   research firm for the logistics industry, has compiled the
         opportunities – 13  in that category; South Africa (15)   index since it was launched in 2009. View the
         was tops in Africa for international logistics; Morocco   2024 Agility Emerging Markets Logistics Index at
         (12) has Africa’s best business fundamentals; and Kenya •

          www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a                                       I S S UE 01 – 2024    47
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