Page 5 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
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          Why choose to implement data dashboards?           Best practices to implement data dashboards
          Data dashboards have an immediate and tangible impact on an   The best data dashboards answer important questions about
          operations environment. Key examples are:          your business. Unlike advanced business intelligence tools,
          •  Continuous tracking of business performance (KPIs) at all   dashboards are designed for quick analysis and informational
          levels.                                            awareness. The following best practices will ensure that the
          •  Guiding focused improvement and accurate prioritisation.   implementation of dashboards in an operations environment

          • Efficient problem-solving.                       sustainably delivers the required visibility. Sustainable visibility

          •  Clear accountability and statistical performance analysis.   results in operations teams and management being able to use
                                                             data dashboards to identify opportunities for improvement and
            Data dashboards allow for informed decisions to be made,   grow the culture of continuous improvement in the organisation.

          resulting in improved delivery and efficiency in an operations

          environment. The continuous tracking of performance across   1. Clear objectives. Data dashboards are a tool to
          the operations value chain enables immediate action to be   enable operational improvement; therefore, when developing
          taken where there are constraints or to proactively resolve   dashboards, a clear objective for what the tool needs to deliver
          business disruptions before they occur. The continuous tracking   must be defined. While developing the dashboard, the objective

          of operations performance and actioning constraints in the   will always be a guiding beacon to ensure the development and
          value chain results in a culture of continuous improvement and   final product meets business requirements. An example of a

          innovation.                                        clear objective is using data dashboards to reduce inventory
                                                             levels across an organisation’s central distribution centre (CDC)

          How will your business benefit from data           and network of regional warehouses.
          Most businesses use multiple services to track KPIs and   2. End user design. To meet the objectives of the dashboard,
          metrics, which takes up time and resources to properly monitor   it must be designed to ensure the end user will be able to deliver
          and analyse. Dashboards use raw data from these sources,   maximum impact from the tool. The end user of the dashboard
          spreadsheets and databases to create tables, line charts, bar   must be continuously involved in the development of the
          charts and gauges in a central dashboard that users can look at   front-end to ensure immediate acceptance and usage of the
          and immediately understand the key metrics they are looking for.  dashboard. Depending on the level within an organisation of the
          Data dashboards simplify end-of-month reporting by allowing   user, the design of the dashboard will vary.
          users to communicate information at any time without hours of
          preparation and analysis.                             Executive dashboards are designed for high-level, strategic
                                                             operations decisions to be made. The objectives of the
            The business questions that a dashboard answers depend   dashboard and the level of information that the executive

          upon the industry, department, process and position. Analytical   requires will determine the final structure of the dashboard.
          dashboards are typically
          designed to help decision-
          makers, executives and senior
          leaders establish targets, set
          goals and understand what and
          why something happened with
          the same information they can
          use to implement appropriate
          changes. An analytical
          dashboard does this based on
          insights from data collected over
          a period determined by the user
          (i.e. last month, quarter or year).

          www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a                                       I S S UE 01 – 2024    3
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