Page 9 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
P. 9


         impact the bottom line. Some of the most common ones   optimal packaging can result in damaged items, leading to
         include:                                             replacement costs and lowered customer satisfaction.
         •  Delivery distance: Longer routes often mean higher costs.
         •  Package weight and size: Heavier or larger items are typically   Adopting a few cost-effective measures in your packaging
          more expensive to deliver.                          process can significantly streamline your e-commerce delivery
         •  Rush deliveries: Urgent deliveries or next-day shipping can   and reduce costs:
          significantly increase costs.                       • Implementing a standard packaging size where feasible.
         •  Returns: Failed deliveries and returns can rack up expenses,   • Making use of lightweight, quality packaging materials.
          particularly if the return rate is high.            •  Investing in bulk supplies to benefit from economies of scale.
                                                              •  Considering eco-friendly packaging solutions, which can be
         Strategy 1: Negotiating shipping rates with           cheaper and appeal to environmentally-conscious consumers.
         E-commerce businesses depend hugely on their ability to deliver   Strategy 3: Leveraging technology for
         products to their customers in a quick, efficient and economical   delivery route optimisation
         manner. A substantial part of operating expenses in e-commerce  Utilisation of technology has become a vital part of a cost-
         is shipping costs. Hence, negotiating lower shipping rates with   effective e-commerce strategy. One area where this holds
         carriers becomes a significant cost-effective strategy. Reduction   significant value is in optimising delivery routes. Delivery route
         in shipping rates directly impacts your profit margins and can   optimisation technology leverages advanced algorithms to
         give you a competitive edge in pricing your products.  determine the most efficient way to deliver packages. Such
                                                              technologies take into consideration a variety of factors,
            The value of negotiating shipping rates can’t be overstated.   including distance, time, fuel consumption and traffic conditions.
         Contrastingly, failure to land a good deal can result in overpaying,   They include:
         harming your less-than-ideal pricing. To effectively negotiate   • Easy-to-use dashboard for monitoring delivery status.
         with shipping carriers, develop an understanding of your typical   •  Predictive technology for identifying route problems ahead of
         shipping profile, including the volume, weight and destination of   time.
         your shipments. Leverage this data to create a compelling case   •  Real-time tracking options to maintain transparency with
         for a rate reduction.                                 customers.

            Another tip is to consider working with multiple carriers as   When employed correctly, delivery route optimisation
         this gives you the advantage of choosing the most affordable   technology can cut costs significantly. There are numerous
         option. An additional strategy is having a fallback option, which   benefits:
         enhances your negotiation power. Remember, carriers also need   •  Decreased fuel expenses: By choosing the most efficient
         your business and can likely meet your terms more than you   routes, you can cut down on fuel expenses.
         realise.                                             •  Reduced delivery time: Faster, more direct routes allow for
                                                               quicker deliveries, which also means less time spent on the
         Strategy 2: Implementing an efficient                 road and, therefore, lower labour costs.
         packaging process                                    •  Improved customer satisfaction: Customers are likely
         In the e-commerce realm, your packaging process can directly   to appreciate the faster delivery times and the increased
         impact both your delivery costs and customer satisfaction levels.   transparency, which can enhance your company’s reputation
         When not executed properly, you may find yourself overspending   and boost sales in the long run.
         on materials and postage while also running the risk of damaged
         goods upon arrival.                                  Strategy 4: Utilising third-party logistics
                                                              providers (3PLs)
            The logistics behind package delivery are often dictated by   In a bid to streamline operations and maximise cost
         weight and dimensions. Bulky or improperly shaped packages   efficiency, many e-commerce businesses are turning to
         can lead to increased shipping costs. Additionally, less-than-  third-party logistics providers. 3PLs take control of the

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