Page 8 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
P. 8


          5 cost-effective strategies to
          5 c      os     t  -e    ff   ectiv           e s      tr   a   t  egies              t o

          optimise e-commerce delivery
          op      timise e-c                      ommer                   ce deliv                 er    y

                                                              By Shermandra Singh,  Speaker, Author and
                                                        Commercial Director at Dovetail Business Solutions
         E-commerce is steadily driving global retail, with consumers in Africa
         increasingly turning to online stores for their shopping needs. Amid this
         transition, a key determinant of success and growth for online businesses lies in
         their delivery mechanism.

              -commerce delivery can be defined as the processes an   end-user experience, resulting in increased customer loyalty
              online retailer employs to get purchased products directly   and overall profit. As such, learning how e-commerce delivery
         E to the customer’s doorstep. With online shopping, instant   cuts costs with effective strategies and by implementing
          gratification is removed, meaning that the speed and ease of   cost-effective approaches is an essential skill for online
          delivery become crucial components of customer satisfaction.   businesses today.
          Also, it’s a strategic lever that affects revenue, with efficient
          delivery systems often leading to repeat business, positive   Understanding the costs of e-commerce
          customer reviews and word-of-mouth referrals.       delivery
                                                              Understanding your e-commerce delivery costs is fundamental
            However, delivery systems can be expensive, often eating   to identifying areas where savings can be made. The delivery
          into profit margins. This is where cost-effective delivery   process is not just about getting the product from point A to
          strategies come into play. A well-optimised and budget-friendly   point B; there are several expenses associated with it that can
          delivery system can not only reduce costs, but also improve the   quickly add up. Several cost drivers in e-commerce delivery

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