Page 12 - Logistics News - March_April 2023
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When developing and refining its operation, Ctrack that makes decision making easy, the benefits of
always considers the five pillars of fleet management which have been proven in real-world scenarios
around which all solutions are developed. Risk, cost time and again. Industries such as crane operators,
control, fleet utilisation, operations control and asset mining and the farming community have specific
control remain at the core of all the solutions that needs, all of which can be accurately catered for by
Ctrack offers. this technology.
The basis of Ctrack is its hardware solutions that A growing threat to the tracking and telematics
have been designed and refined locally in South Africa industry is GPS jamming. This unscrupulous practice
and truly built in Africa for Africa. This includes not only interferes with the transmission of telematics
everything from compact battery-operated tracking data that has become a vital part of successfully
devices to a variety of camera systems allowing for the running a fleet operation, but can also prevent the
tracking and monitoring of a wide variety of movable tracking of vehicles or assets as part of a stolen vehicle
assets across industries. recovery attempt. Ctrack’s jamming mitigation can
detect jamming interference and react accordingly by
With the launch of Ctrack Crystal in 2022, implementing several mitigation strategies that will
fleet managers were given an all-encompassing, ensure that the integrity of the transmission and data
customisable platform. This new cloud-based offering remains unaffected.
places ease of use at its core while combining existing
functionality with a host of new features. Ctrack’s Driver Management tools provide multiple
solutions to ensure that operations run effectively,
Ctrack Crystal is always on and is cloud-based, efficiently and safely. These tools allow for the
allowing access to high-level overviews or detailed management of operators, access and behaviour across
reports from any device located anywhere in the world. multiple vehicles and assets.
These reports are presented in a user-friendly way that
makes the identification of trends easier. Being cloud- Ctrack’s Bureau Service is the complete outsourcing
based allows for seamless live updates, ensuring that of fleet control room activities, backed by highly
Ctrack customers are always able to take advantage of proficient hindsight, insight and foresight data
the latest innovative refinements. analytics and reporting. Dedicated skilled fleet
controllers meticulously monitor vehicle movements,
Fully customisable functionality combines all the incidents, alerts and alarms from a central support
existing features that consumers have come to know centre, which operates 24/7 and provides real-time
and love with a variety of new features into a one-stop, support to optimise fleet operations.
do it all fleet management platform.
“In an environment that can very quickly become
One of Ctrack’s big advantages is its flexibility, and overwhelmed by big data, providing feedback that
making many of these bespoke solutions possible is allows for efficient decision making is critical to
its proprietary SMILE technology that offers endless effectively managing fleets,” says Jordt. “Looking
opportunities. “Ctrack is able to listen to the needs of its forward to 2023, Ctrack will be launching further
L O GI S T I CS NEWS give them the exact results that they require to run their in the first quarter of the year, providing further proof
enhancements to the popular Crystal software platform
customers and offer them locally engineered solutions that
that Ctrack’s innovative fleet management software is
particular business safely and efficiently,” adds Jordt.
unmatched in the market as well as peace of mind to
fleet and asset managers in businesses big and small,”
With SMILE, the same hardware can be used to
offer an endless array of control and data in a format
10 M A RC H/A P R IL 2023 he concludes. • www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a