Page 15 - Logistics News - March_April 2023
P. 15
Rising demand for
the courier industry
By Lucinda Alfonica, Commercial Manager, Workforce Staffing
Discover how the courier industry can meet growing demand as e-commerce ramps up.
outh Africa’s postal service has become
increasingly difficult to access, with hundreds of
Sbranches closing over the years. More recently,
another 92 branches were shut for good. This has placed
increasing pressure on courier services in the country as
they have become the only option for many areas. Added
to this is the growth of e-commerce, which has seen
increased use of couriers to deliver online purchases.
Temporary Employment Services (TES) providers can
help courier companies to keep up with this rising
demand and ensure they can maintain their service levels
and effective delivery times. meet all requirements, including experience, appropriate
licenses and other qualifications. In addition, a TES provider
Ramping up to meet demand will have an extensive database of skilled and qualified
As demand for courier services increases, courier companies drivers who have experience in handling all types of cargo
find themselves under pressure to hire additional drivers to and travelling to areas that may be deemed high risk.
meet service delivery levels. However, sourcing and vetting
drivers can be a complex and time-consuming process, A TES partner will also be able to train drivers on how
which may lead to shortcuts being taken. The challenge with to handle high-risk situations and deal with all human
this is that drivers without the necessary experience and resources (HR) and industrial relations (IR) matters. These
qualifications can prove problematic for several reasons. From components allow couriers to focus on their core competency
a safety perspective, unlicensed or inexperienced drivers can of distribution. Additionally, a TES provider will ensure that
increase the risk of accidents or injuries. Reliability could couriers are registered and compliant with certain bargaining
also become an issue, which could lead to delayed deliveries, councils where required while handling the administration
lost packages and dissatisfied customers. Insurance will not regarding paying over certain levies for these councils.
cover drivers who do not have appropriate qualifications and
experience, leaving courier companies vulnerable to financial Flexibility when you need it most
losses in the event of an accident or theft. The most significant benefit, however, is the ability to scale
up and down according to fluctuating demand. Rather than
In addition, various regulations govern the having to hire and retrench drivers continually, a TES service
transportation of goods, including rules around driver ensures flexible staffing solutions to help courier companies
qualifications and vehicle safety. If courier drivers are not fulfil orders within tight deadlines and maintain customer
professionally trained and qualified, courier companies satisfaction.
may not be following these regulations, which can
lead to fines, legal issues and damage to the company’s Additionally, a TES partner can provide cost-effective
reputation. staffing solutions to the courier industry by reducing the
administrative costs associated with recruitment and L O GI S T I CS NEWS
A helping hand from a TES payroll management. This can help courier companies to
A TES provider will assist with sourcing and vetting drivers manage their costs effectively while meeting the rising
and crew according to industry standards to ensure that they demand for their services. •
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