Page 14 - Logistics News - March_April 2023
P. 14


                    the worst decade of hacks (Forbes, 2019). In the   In response, one of the biggest global corporate
                    2020s, it will be supply chains and the continued   agendas has been the implementation of new
                    elevation of its professionals. Many businesses now   technologies to improve visibility and communication
                    recognise supply chains as more than just conduits   all around (Hackett Group, 2023). This visibility is
                    and cost centres, but, in fact, as powerful value   creating foresight and shining much-needed light on
                    generators deserving of representation in the C-suite   how ill-prepared the world may be to face the next
                    (, 2020).                      crisis.

                       Today, supply chain turmoil is viewed as the   The world learned how insufficient the ‘every man
                    greatest threat to growth. More executives are placing   for himself’ approach is when it comes to dealing with
                    global supply chains at the heart of their operations   global shockwaves of change as well as the importance
                    strategies and this has accelerated the drive to rethink   of collaboration and sharing valuable information.
                    the entire playbook. As one expert put it: “The   Change management evolved into change leadership
                    question should not be how to return to pre-pandemic   as businesses began to recognise the wisdom in
                    conditions, but whether those conditions were   making transformation and continuous improvement
                    really serving the company well in the first place”   part of the company’s culture and DNA.
                    (, 2023).
                                                                      As we look forward to the future, the one word
                       Despite the economic uncertainty, COVID-19   that should come to mind should be ‘opportunity’.
                    inspired more investment in innovative technologies.   It is said that the waves of change are inevitable and
                    Increased volatility and the need to quickly respond   the ones who will thrive in the future are those that
                    to disruptive forces emphasised the value of supply   surf it the best. Is your supply chain in flow across its
                    chain digitisation. Prior to the pandemic, a significant   value chains and do your team and leadership have
                    number of companies had less than optimal visibility   the resilience and adaptability to catch and ride the
                    and didn’t communicate with or even know the   waves to shore? May your supply chain surfing score a
                    location of their suppliers (N.R. Sanders, 2023).  ‘Perfect 10’. •

              L O GI S T I CS NEWS

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