Page 13 - Logistics News - March_April 2023
P. 13
2023: Celebrating shockwaves
of change in supply chain
By Chantal Kading, Leadership and Talent Strategist at The People Shop
2023 is the season for change and transforming all the lessons learned from
the past into powerful visions.
urphy’s Law is probably what comes to visions. If 2020 and 2021 were the years of the
mind when most of us reflect on the past pandemic, 2022 was the year of everything else
Mthree years. As supply chains recover that could go wrong. Geopolitical conflicts, port
from a period when everything that could go wrong congestion, protests, infrastructure and climate
certainly did go wrong for many in the industry, I find disasters all created new challenges for businesses
myself reflecting on an important truth: There’s a still grappling with aftershocks.
season for everything, and, yes, that means a season
for things to go wrong and not work out and a season However, it’s important to remember that global
for the exact opposite. shocks sometimes precipitate positive change. In L O GI S T I CS NEWS
2008, it was the financial meltdown followed by
2023 is the season for change and transforming institutional reforms and in the 2010s, it was the
all the lessons learned from the past into powerful mainstreaming of cybersecurity professionals after
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