Page 21 - Logistics News - March_April 2023
P. 21
Sustainable Procurement
Written by leading procurement expert and
best-selling author Jonathan O’Brien, this
practical guide outlines how to establish
sustainable procurement as a key strategic
enabler to reduce supply-side risk and drive
action to respond to detrimental impacts in
the supply base.
he business case for sustainability is clear
and organisations are responding to the
T imperative to act. But with 50-70 percent
of the change needed involving the supply base,
procurement and supply chain functions are critical
to success.
Sustainable Procurement explains how
procurement and supply chain professionals can
develop existing best practice approaches to make
supply-side sustainability a reality. Based on the
OMEIA® Sustainable Procurement process, this
book provides a step-by-step and highly practical
methodology that embeds sustainable procurement
into existing proven procurement approaches. It
also provides crucial new tools that equip and enable engineering’ to help organisations transform what
those in this field to drive highly effective supply- and how they buy.
side sustainability.
About the author
By exploring the current landscape and the Jonathan O’Brien is the CEO of Positive Purchasing
business case for sustainability, Sustainable Ltd, an international procurement and negotiation
Procurement makes sense of how we can translate consultancy and training provider, and is based in
good ambition into prioritised grassroots-level Plymouth, UK. With over 30 years of experience,
change. Guidance is offered on how procurement can he has helped global organisations increase
help redefine what an organisation does based on their purchasing capability through training,
what needs to change in its supply base. education and working directly with practitioners
and executive teams. He is also the author of
There are extensive resources to help determine Category Management in Purchasing, Negotiation for
hotspot risk areas, assess suppliers and determine Procurement and Supply Chain Professionals, Supplier L O GI S T I CS NEWS
and prioritise where to direct our precious resources. Relationship Management and The Buyer’s Toolkit, all
It also provides new models for ‘sustainable value published by Kogan Page. •
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