Page 18 - Logistics News - March_April 2023
P. 18


               How to overcome cross-border

               payment challenges

                     Financial technology company Verto has identified numerous ways for
                     exporters to optimise their cross-border payments.  By implementing several
                     improvements to their strategies, financial risk can be reduced and payment
                     methods can be diversified, giving businesses more confidence and control over   Ola Oyetayo, CEO at
                     their cross-border payments.                                              Verto.

                           ross-border trade is a key driver of the South   digital platforms, which allow for faster, safer and tracked
                           African economy, accounting for over half of the   payments, can be a smart way to improve exporting.
                    Ccountry’s total exports. However, South African
                     exporters face several challenges in receiving cross-border   Staying informed to stay agile
                     payments, including high transaction fees, currency   For exporters, operating globally means that keeping
                     conversion issues and difficulties in verifying the identity   abreast of the economic and political environments of the
                     of buyers.                                    jurisdictions in which they operate is essential. Instability
                                                                   and currency fluctuations in emerging markets can lead to
                        According to a survey conducted by the South African   border problems, cash flow issues and delays in receiving
                     Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SACCI) in 2021,   money safely and on time. Ola Oyetayo, CEO at Verto,
                     the high cost of cross-border payments was identified as a   says being informed can help a business be adaptable and
                     significant challenge by 35 percent of exporting companies   mitigate any potential risk. “Some steps to do so may be
                     in South Africa.                              setting news alerts on your computer or phone, working
                                                                   with local partners who can keep you informed or working
                        Another challenge is the time it takes to process   with a payments provider that understands these risks.”
                     cross-border payments. According to the same SACCI
                     survey, 29 percent of exporting companies identified   “At Verto, we can help mitigate currency fluctuations
                     delays in payment processing as a challenge. These delays   for our customers with our Marketplace, which allows
                     can be caused by a range of factors, including payment   businesses to set their own foreign exchange (FX) rate
                     intermediaries, regulatory requirements and compliance   and our competitive FX rates to always stay ahead of the
                     checks.                                       market. In addition, our multi-currency wallets can hold
                                                                   funds in up to 50 currencies, enabling businesses to lock in
                        There are several strategies that exporters can   favourable exchange rates,” he notes.
                     implement to enhance global payments, decrease financial
                     risk and streamline their financial operations. This includes   Implementing a helping hand
                     staying informed, partnering with an innovative payment   A step towards better payments may lie with who the
                     provider and diversifying to improve overall efficiency of   payments providers are, especially as exporters can work
                     cross-border payments.                        in markets that they are unfamiliar with and that have
                                                                   differing regulations, which may result in the risk of not
                     Introduce digital diversification             being financially compliant. Using an innovative global
                     A focal point of an exporter’s global payments strategy is   payments provider can ensure exporters are provided with
              L O GI S T I CS NEWS  markets like South Africa where there is a reliance on   fraud prevention and detection, and currency conversion.
                                                                   a variety of services such as global compliance support,
                     to diversify payment methods, particularly in emerging
                                                                   “For example, at Verto, we allow our customers to set their
                     cash or cheques as the most common way of payment.
                                                                   own preferred rates via our Marketplace so that they can
                     While this is favoured, it leaves exporters at risk of not
                                                                   negotiate and execute trades at a price that suits them,”
                     receiving payments or delays that can impact cash flow or
                     result in shipping delays. Using electronic transfers and

           16       M A RC H/A P R IL 2023                         concludes Oyetao. •   www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a
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