Page 23 - Logistics News - March_April 2023
P. 23

         Better infrastructure

         and the fate of fleets

                                                          By Justin Manson, Sales Director, Webfleet

          Government’s most recent pledges to begin the procurement of services in extensive new build and upgrade
          of road infrastructure offers a glimmer of hope to businesses in the transport and construction industries.

              art of the reality with South Africa’s failing electricity   SIP-3, South-Eastern Node and Corridor Development. While
              and water systems is that the facilities in place were   new roads are very well desired, refurbishment of existing
        P not originally designed to serve as large a population   infrastructure is also certainly needed and will drastically
         as today’s. The roads bear an even greater burden due to   improve the safety of passing motorists.
         the disrupted rail network provider currently working to
         rescue routes and refurbish equipment. This should make   In the recently published maiden Webfleet Road Safety
         these revamped rail routes more relevant to modern mining,   Report, where we surveyed a large sample of fleet operators,
         industrial and commercial operations that could benefit from   it emerged that 7 percent of accidents are caused by poor road
         its potential cost-effectiveness.              conditions. If we can bring this down 2-3 percent, we would
                                                        save thousands of lives each year.
            Over the coming three years, according to the Finance
         Ministry’s annual budget published in February, the   Government, supported by the private sector and local
         government will be spending an estimated R903-billion on   communities, must also urgently repair the existing rail
         hard infrastructure. Most of this will be focused on strategic   infrastructure. Abandoned stations, overgrown gantries and
         transport and logistics, and water and sanitation.  rusted tracks could all be brought back to life to further ease
                                                        congestion and begin the drastic improvement in road surface
            Earlier in February, the South African National Roads   quality across the nation.
         Agency (Sanral) announced that it had awarded four long-
         overdue, major construction tenders for projects on the new   Fleet owners should be preparing for a massive evolution
         N2 Wild Coast highway in the Eastern Cape and the N11 in   in South African logistics. They will have to contend with
         KwaZulu-Natal. Sanral’s investment creates much-needed   more customers upholding stricter contractual conditions,
         capacity in the country’s major coastal economies, boosting   like large multinationals. Lack of insurance or vehicle
         the construction industry while opening a key artery of trade.   telematics, for instance, will be a non-starter. Managers and
         It forms part of a broader government programme mandated   those utilising their service will want to keep an eye on the
         to uplift the economic growth of KwaZulu-Natal and the   live on-board diagnostics data, which will be relayed back to
         Eastern Cape.                                  central command for directors and customers to see the entire
                                                        operation in detail, making for quicker and better decisions on
            The roads agency states: “The much shorter and quicker   live route planning, vehicle health and driver well-being.
         N2 route will dramatically reduce traffic carbon emissions,
         travel time and costs. The one-and-a-half to three-hour   The job now, during the construction of this new
         reduction in travel time for light-to-heavy vehicles using the   infrastructure, is to collect as much data as we can throughout
         current N2 and R61 routes between KZN and EC will result   the development, ensuring that live traffic information is
         in a projected time cost saving to the economy of R1,5-  captured and fed back to road users as close to real-time as
         billion per annum. The new route will also open access to the   possible. Eventually, through technological refinement, devices
         Pondoland region, boosting regional and local socio-economic   fitted to monitor vehicle statistics will become so sensitive,
         development, particularly in tourism and agriculture.”   they will pick up that a vehicle has gone through a pothole.

            The 410km N2 Wild Coast Highway, running between the   If this can be mapped out, it could expedite local   L O GI S T I CS NEWS
         N2 Gonubie Interchange and the Mtamvuna River bridge, is   government’s maintenance schedule to further improve urban
         a key step in government’s Strategic Infrastructure Projects   roads, the very heartbeat of the economy. •

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