Page 25 - Logistics News - March_April 2023
P. 25


            Foreign exchange contracts (FECs) – are used to   The option holder (buyer) can therefore choose the better
         hedge exposures to exchange rate fluctuations by ‘locking   exchange rate – either the prevailing rate in the market at
         in’ future foreign exchange rates. FECs are contractual   the time or the price specified in the option contract. There
         agreements between the bank and its clients to exchange a   are two main types of option contracts, namely call options
         specified amount of one foreign currency for another at a   and put options – these can be used in various combinations
         predetermined exchange rate on a specified future date. There   to provide structured solutions to meet a client’s hedging
         are various types of FECs that can be used depending on the   requirements. While currency derivatives provide greater
         client’s requirements:                         flexibility as a hedging instrument, they also have a cost
         • A fixed FEC can be used only on a specified maturity date.  in the form of a premium that is payable at the time of
         • A partly optional FEC can be used within a prespecified   purchasing the option contract.With a call option, the buyer
          period between two future dates.              has the right, but not the obligation, to buy the underlying
         • A fully optional FEC can be used at any time between the   currency at a fixed exchange rate on a predetermined future
          date of establishing the FEC and the specified maturity date.  date.

            Swaps – a swap is the simultaneous purchase and sale of   Currency futures – or a CFs contract is an agreement
         identical amounts of one foreign currency for another, but on   that gives the buyer the right to buy and sell an underlying
         two different value dates, either spot against a forward date or   currency at a fixed exchange rate at a specified date in the
         one forward date against another forward date.  future. One party to the agreement agrees to buy the CF
                                                        contract at a specified exchange rate and the other agrees
            Early receipt (or pre-take up) – swaps are used to bring   to sell it at the expiry date. The underlying instrument of
         forward the maturity date of an existing FEC.  a CFs contract is the rate of exchange between one unit of
                                                        foreign currency and the South African rand. Contracts are
            Extension (or rollover) – swaps are used to extend the   cash settled in ZAR and no physical delivery of the foreign
         maturity date of an existing FEC to a later date.  currency takes place. CF contracts are traded on the South
                                                        African JSE and have margin requirements that the client
            Long-dated forwards – are FECs with a maturity date   must provide.
         longer than 12 months forward.
                                                           The impact of foreign exchange risk will influence the
            Currency derivatives – can also be used to hedge   preferred sources of funding for a South African company
         exposure to exchange rate fluctuations, but are fundamentally   trading in global markets. When the performance of the
         different from FECs. Whereas the parties to an FEC are locked   company is negatively affected by consumer behaviour
         into a future transaction in a forward contract, the buyer of an   and the ability of the organisation to reprice its goods in a   L O GI S T I CS NEWS
         option contract has the right, but not the obligation, to buy or   volatile forex market, it is worthwhile to determine whether
         sell a fixed amount of currency at a fixed exchange rate on a   the company has economic foreign exchange risk that is
         predetermined date in the future.              embedded in its service and goods. •

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