Page 10 - Logistics News - September October 2022
P. 10


             Evolution or extinctionxtinction
             E    v    olution or                                   e

                        e about the adop
                                          tion of e
                                                    olving t
                                                            echnology in the supply chain.
             Learn mor
             Learn more about the adoption of evolving technology in the supply chain.
                                                                             By Aveshin Reddy,
                                                                               and Arno Meyer,
                          tewart Brand said: “Once a new technology rolls   The outdated notion that adopting technological
                          over you, if you’re not part of the steamroller,   innovations was a once-off initiative dedicated
                     Syou’re part of the road.” Th  e recent drive by   to improving a particular element within the
                     organisations to promote the digitisation of supply chains   supply chain is no longer valid. The supply chain
                     has come a little too late, with many companies facing dire   manager of tomorrow must adopt technological
                     circumstances. The emergence of COVID-19 highlighted   trends that can evolve based on the organisation’s

                     the importance of building supply chain robustness and   requirements. Several evolving technologies have
                     flexibility through adopting technology. Currently, supply   been implemented by organisations to prevent or

                     chains are facing an entirely new set of complexities that   mitigate potential risks that could arise both
                     have arisen from global changes in the form of the war in   globally and locally. Below are descriptions of some
                     Ukraine, increasing energy prices and, subsequently, an   of the most prominent technologies used in current
                     increase in product prices.                   times.

              L O GI S T I CS NEWS

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