Page 6 - Logistics News - September October 2022
P. 6
Maximise your business and
fleet potential with Ctrack’s
24/7 Bureau Service
Ctrack’s Bureau Service is a fully-fledged fleet intelligence service centre offering a wide range of
services, which provides you with hindsight, insight and foresight for your fleet operations.
hether a business utilises a fleet of their own fleet management requirements, including
five vans or 500 trucks, it is extremely the recently launched Crystal, the Ctrack Bureau
Wcomplicated to run such an operation Service enables customers to pair Ctrack’s world-class
without telematics technology and fleet management telematics technology with an expert fleet manager at
software that goes hand in hand with that hardware. a minimal cost.
However, this software is only as useful as the person
controlling it; the effective management of fleets and “Use of Ctrack’s Bureau Service allows customers
the data that goes along with it needs to be done by to ensure that they are getting the absolute best
a person with sufficient training in order to get the out of our tried and tested hardware and software
most out of your fleet management system, enjoy the solutions and that their fleets are being run in the
benefits and save on costs. Depending on the size of most effective and productive way possible,” says Hein
your fleet and how your business is set up, employing Jordt, Chief Executive Officer of Ctrack Africa.
a dedicated person for this role might not be a
practical or feasible solution. Ctrack’s Bureau Centre monitors and analyses
movements, incidents and alerts meticulously,
While Ctrack offers several software solutions providing analytical reporting and support to
that allow owners or fleet managers to look after optimise fleet operations. Highly experienced
4 SEP T E MB E R/O CT O B E R 2022 www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a