Page 7 - Logistics News - September October 2022
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telematics consultants interrogate and interpret bodyguard service and even air response are available
vehicle data to provide the insights and actions to help mitigate imminent threats.
needed for future cost reductions and operational
improvements. With this information, business Fleet operators now demand visibility and control,
owners will be able to implement best practice resulting in standard telematics visibility no longer
methodologies that streamline operations, save costs being a suitable solution on its own. Ctrack offers a
and focus on the core business. Reports are tailor- number of camera solutions for the monitoring of
made to your needs and can give a high-level overview various aspects of vehicle usage, including fatigue and
if that is all your business needs or a thorough ADAS monitoring, front and rear cab facing and trailer
analysis of any data stream if that is required. cameras that allow for total visibility of your asset.
Utilising Ctrack’s Bureau Service is a quick and These camera solutions offer live video
easy way to streamline your fleet operation and streaming and give fleet managers the ability to
ensure that you get the most out of your movable view footage around incidents or other data inputs
assets without the need for additional staff count and such as accelerometers or speed events and then
infrastructure. The way your vehicles are used has a act accordingly. However, the number of alerts and
massive effect on your bottom line and having expert footage that need to be viewed can be overwhelming.
eyes on them all the time is a sure way to secure fleets To assist with sifting through all this data, the
and reduce fuel and maintenance costs. in-cab camera system can be paired with artificial
intelligence (AI) software. As an example, this
In the background, these experts monitor and sophisticated AI software filters through the data
analyse movements, incidents and alerts, and provide gathered by in-cab cameras and only reports on the
the customer with reports that are easy to act on. transgressions defined by the fleet manager instead
In essence, Ctrack’s Bureau service gives you the of on every transgression.
right data needed to make the right decisions. The
benefits of a 24/7 bureau service include the fact This results in better quality data that can more
that an expert always has eyes on your assets and easily be used to take action. AI can filter through
how they are being used, ensuring tighter control and thousands of alarms and only highlight those that are
immediate action against predetermined parameters. of critical importance to the fleet manager, be that
in-house or as part of the bureau service. The bureau
These controllers pay particular attention to service operators will still investigate all alarms,
schedule adherence and fuel consumption, ensuring however the AI assists in highlighting the most
that your fleet is run as efficiently and cost-effectively important ones.
as possible. Direct communication with drivers
ensures swift action in the event of any deviations “In an environment where running costs are
or transgressions and ensures that you nip trends in always rising, the efficient and effective management
the bud before they become a habit and long before of fleets is imperative to the success of a business that
unnecessary resources are wasted. relies on moveable assets. Ctrack’s Bureau Service
takes the guesswork out of fleet management and
The benefits for operators are multifaceted and ensures the best results,” concludes Jordt. Ctrack’s L O GI S T I CS NEWS
include emergency response, panic alarms and tamper Bureau Service is offered in four levels, allowing fleet
alarms that give them the protection and backup and business owners to select a package that best
they need in an environment fraught with risks. A suits their needs and budget. •
www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a SEP T E MB E R/O CT O B E R 2022 5