Page 8 - Logistics News - September October 2022
P. 8


               Supply chain and
               Supply chain and

                  echnology joined

               technology joined

               a    t the hip…
               at the hip…

               but it should be the brain
               but it should be the br

                                                                        By Doug Hunter, Manager: Customer and Ecosystem
                                                                          Enablement, SYSPRO,

               As supply chains crumble with unexpected disruptions, is information technology (IT) any
               different? You bet it is.

                     History of the future                              that work together to solve problems we set – and at
                     The Sinclair Cambridge, Texas Instruments             the speed of light today.

                     Scientific and HP Business Consultant
                     calculators were new technology around                      When it comes to the application of IT,
                     the same time that the supply/value                      just doing, speeding up or simplifying the
                     chain emerged 50-odd years ago.                          answers to problems we set was fine, but is it

                     High-tech indeed, and costly. It was                     enough decades later? Of course not.
                     technology that sped up human ability
                     with a few functions. But calculators                       Engineering technology that assists
                     are relegated to being one basic                         production, storage management and
                     but essential function in the                             transport/distribution has developed

                     background of scientific
                     and business IT. Just
                     a processor in a
                     mass of connected
                     processors driving
                     myriad functions

              L O GI S T I CS NEWS

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