Page 13 - Logistics News - September October 2023
P. 13


             This evolution is not plain sailing, though, due to their   be easier to come by versus pure-play retailers. Capital should
          systems, processes and culture set up to serve their stores   be redirected into online commerce projects, carefully balancing
          effectively. Mindsets needed a major shift from the C-suit to the   the needs of stores.
          fulfilment staff.
                                                                 Brand and product allegiance: Retailers should leverage the
             So, how do brick-and-mortar retailers compete with their   power of their brand support to drive their customer retention,
          pure-play competitors?                              whether online or in-store. Marketing plays a key role in making
             Leverage store inventory by fulfilling from the store:   customers feel like they are engaging with a familiar brand and
          One of the obvious dilemmas traditional retail faces relates   transaction process across channels. If the retailer has a social
          to the use of its store inventory to fulfil online customer   media following or a credit base, this should be used to establish
          orders. Conceptually, this seems to be all too obvious.   a strong relationship. Use the voice of the customer (VoC)
          However, there are many deciding factors on how best to   data to determine critical touchpoints and improve customer
          implement this. Depending on store locations in relation   engagement.
          to customer delivery points, size of the store, size of the
          basket and where its offer lies on the commodity-fashion   Develop an agile, innovative mindset: To counteract the
          continuum will influence the optimal solution. The use of   corporate internal silo problem slowing down decision-making,
          statistics and operations research assists retail supply   an innovative mindset needs to be part of the culture. Data-
          chain managers in determining the best option. If done   driven analysis and decision-making will develop an agile supply
          correctly, this could be a huge competitive advantage and   chain environment, resulting in the business becoming more
          one that the pure-play retailers are not able to use. The   responsive.
          pure players likely see this as a substantial threat to their
          business.                                           Takeaway
                                                              The retail landscape is going through a paradigm shift not seen
             Access to capital: Traditional retailers would likely have   before. Customers have more choices than they have ever had
          more access to capital. The reason is that they have a history   and competition between retailers is higher than it’s ever been.
          of generating revenue and have had the ability to build up   Successful multichannel retail requires a carefully thought out
          reserves versus their pure-play counterparts who are generally   plan, delivering the digital and in-store experiences consumers
          in start-up mode requiring funding from investors. Although the   actually want versus the ones retailers think they want. It
          capital would still need to be used for store developments and   requires significant investment in systems, people and fulfilment
          other related items that pure-plays don’t have, funding should   solutions. Market share and survival are on the line. •

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