Page 18 - Logistics News - September October 2023
P. 18


                                                                                   an r

                                             echnologies c
                                  ed t

          Automated technologies can reduce
          risk and impr
          risk and improve profitability
                                                      e pr
          Ctrack, a pioneer in fleet management solutions, is revolutionising the industry with its leading-edge
          technology, Crystal.
                t the heart of this transformation lies Ctrack’s   Security
                proprietary SMILE technology, a powerful      Ctrack can improve the security of loads by ensuring
         A platform that opens doors to an array of           that commodities are only offloaded at their intended
          customised solutions for various industries. SMILE’s   location. By programming the vehicle’s PTO and setting
          versatility, combined with Ctrack’s commitment      up geo zones, Ctrack can ensure that goods can only
          to excellence, is reshaping the landscape of fleet   be unloaded at the precise geographic location set by
          management and delivering unparalleled benefits to   the system by mandating where the truck can tip its
          clients.                                            load or open its cargo doors. Benefits are multiple and
                                                              include reduced theft of commodities such as coal,
            Ctrack prides itself on being able to offer a variety   increased loads and payments and improved customer
          of bespoke solutions for various industries. Making   service.
          these bespoke solutions possible is Ctrack’s proprietary
          SMILE technology, with which the opportunities are   Theft
          endless.                                            SMILE ensures the real-time reduction and mitigation of
                                                              vehicle and cargo theft in various ways. If GSM jamming
            “With SMILE, we are able to program our wide variety   of the tracking system is detected, the vehicle’s hooter
          of locally developed hardware and software offerings   and hazards will be activated, followed by the remote
          to assist our customers with a wide range of solutions   immobilisation of the vehicle by cutting the engine.
          while always prioritising risk mitigation, cost control,   These measures have been proven effective in
          fleet utilisation, operations control and asset control,”   deterring potential hijackers and thieves who then move
          says Hein Jordt, Chief Executive Officer of Ctrack Africa.  on to target less secure assets.

            Ctrack understands that every industry and every   Case study: Dairy farms and agriculture
          client has different priorities when it comes to fleet   SMILE has proven invaluable in reducing maintenance
          management. The type of cargo has a significant effect   and downtime in the dairy industry. Vehicles
          on the true focus. While some value safety above all   transporting milk often have to travel on dirt
          else, others prioritise operational continuity, and with   roads or roads in bad condition. By setting up geo
          SMILE, Ctrack is able to offer solutions that cater for all   zones on these farm roads with a regulated and
          of these priorities.                                enforced maximum speed (through speed limiter
                                                              programmes), the condition of the vehicles and the
            Ctrack can utilise a variety of valuable data streams   roads are protected, and the safe delivery of produce is
          such as camera systems and CAN bus information and,   guaranteed.
          with SMILE, set up rules and parameters that allow fleet
          managers to control assets more precisely and in the   Limiting speed on bad roads has proven to
          best way for their particular industry.             reduce wear and tear on trucks and trailers and their

           16       SEP T E MB E R/O CT O B E R 2023                                     www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a
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