Page 17 - Logistics News - September October 2023
P. 17


          specify a preferred course of action. While all types of   Stochastic optimisation leverages linear
          analytics ultimately support better decision-making,   programming to measure the best action plan for a
          prescriptive analytics outputs a decision rather than   business given the desired outcome and functional
          a report, statistic, probability or estimate of future   constraints. Constraints can include:
          outcomes,” according to Gartner’s definition in ‘Forecast   • Production headcount and capacities.
          Snapshot: Prescriptive Analytics, Worldwide’, 2015.  • Legal and regulatory constraints.
                                                              •  Financial limitations like borrowing and working
          Simulation to initiate cost savings                  capital.
          As enterprise networks grow to serve larger numbers of   • Emissions.
          customers and employ more workers, data will become
          the key to bypassing risk and ensuring                 While the error of human analysis will be removed,
          cost savings are locked in. With prescriptive       profits will also benefit from a precise analysis of how a
          analytics, leaders will have the power to identify   given business plan will affect an organisation and what
          how a system would behave under different           the organisation should do.
          configurations. Simulations make sure that integral
          performance metrics are met, such as wait times, queue  Major industries influenced
          length, etc.                                        Nearly all industries benefit from the cost savings and
                                                              increased profitability made possible by prescriptive
            When decision-makers are faced with a variety of   analytics, but the most notable benefits have been
          choices, they can implement prescriptive analytics   experienced by enterprises in fields that serve large
          simulations to identify how their organisation will   populations including:
          function in the event of impending changes. For     •  Logistics. Prescriptive analytics helps leaders
          example, leaders can simulate the impact of regulatory   assess how to scale as capacities change, how many
          changes, fewer employees working more hours,         employees to hire and how to make the most of
          global price changes, fluctuations in the cost of their   changing global prices.
          own products or services, an increase or decrease   •  Transportation. It help leaders identify how to drive
          in emissions and the effects of various execution    profit when ticket rates change, usage fluctuates
          strategies to identify what situation might catalyse the   and how many employees are necessary in varying
          highest cost savings.                                demographic circumstances.
                                                              •  Sales and service. It helps leaders optimise price
            When it comes to scope creep, prescriptive analytics   offers depending on the fluctuating nature and
          will assist decision-makers in simulating future project   constraints of a customer relationship.
          needs so that parameters can be more reasonably     •  Health care. Prescriptive analytics helps leaders drive
          understood and defined from a project’s inception. For   cost savings and profits when outbreaks spread, as
          example, through a simulation, a leader would be able   demographics change and how to scale as capacity
          to establish the procedure for a stage in the project that   changes.
          may be years down the line.                         •  Oil and gas. It helps leaders minimise risk by assisting
                                                               with deciding on the best drilling locations.
          Prescriptive analytics and stochastic
          optimisation to drive profits                       Competitive insights
          Prescriptive analytics does more than prevent risk; it   If your organisation is ready to utilise data-driven cost
          will also automatically direct business leaders toward   savings and experience stochastic simulations to gain
          the most profitable business plans based on stochastic   insight on how to position yourself to drive profits,
          optimisation.                                       consider harnessing the power of prescriptive analytics. •

          www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a                            SEP T E MB E R/O CT O B E R 2023  15
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