Page 24 - Logistics News - September October 2023
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regulations and there is an audit trail of transactions. There integration with their systems. Transporters who are slow to
is also pressure on all companies, particularly listed ones, modernise and embrace new technologies may soon find
to embrace sustainability goals and be able to report on it in themselves left behind.
their annual financial reports. For transport service providers,
this may mean a requirement to track carbon emissions and Overheads and margins are always top of mind for
provide road safety statistics to your customers. All of this transporters and although any additional cost may seem
is dependent on real-time data that is accurate, reliable and like a grudge purchase that will need to be passed on to the
integrated – a key area that is a current weakness for the customer, the best way to differentiate yourself from your
small to mid-sized transporter. To achieve this, customers competitors is to embrace this new reality and accept that
are embracing applications rich in data such as transport it is the modern way of doing business. Fortunately, prices
management systems (TMS) and telematics or IOT devices are coming down as more companies take advantage of
to gain real-time visibility of supply chain activities. these necessary cloud-based Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
solutions in transport management.
What does this mean for transporters?
The days of running a transport business on WhatsApp In responding to the challenge to become integrated, real-
groups, email and Excel spreadsheets are behind us. The time and accurate, transporters must invest in a platform that
way transporters receive offers of loads from customers will enables:
continue to change as the journey to digital transformation
evolves. It is now common for a transporter to have to log 1. Fast, flexible connectivity to partner systems (customers,
in and monitor multiple customer ERP systems or TMS telematics, drivers, warehouses).
platforms to view offers and accept loads. This means being 2. Real-time integration of data feeds (such as telemetry, real-
able to view and accept demand (often at short notice) from time pricing, demand signals) to enrich existing business
multiple systems and platforms – a task that would be far processes.
simpler and more accurate if it were system talking to system 3. Automation that supports proactive intervention.
rather than human intervention, which has its own limitations.
Data transparency, integration and visibility are key factors in Platforms built for transporters
driving improvements in transport logistics and visibility of Transport management platforms have transformed the
data means knowing what is happening in your organisation way companies requiring outsourced transport services
now as well as providing vital clues for what may happen in engage with transporters. For transporters operating in this
the future. new environment, demand may come from multiple sources
including directly from manufacturers and their systems, via
What are customers looking for when hiring distributors or from the customer’s contracted 3PL or 4PL
transporters? service providers.
Beyond transparent pricing and the right service
offering, companies look for customer service, Blupath is a platform built for transporters by people
reputation and proven experience. Also important are with a deep passion for transport. It is a multiparty platform
technical capability and data rich technology solutions that allows a transporter to consolidate all its demand (from
that are widespread across the transport sector such multiple sources) in one place and execute its daily plans
as track and trace and telemetry. Customers are looking from different client systems on one platform.
for access to the data that you can provide from IoT or
telematics devices for real-time monitoring of loads to Blupath comes with a Driver App that speeds up invoicing
ensure that their goods are being optimally handled with and improves cash flow with faster proof of delivery (POD)
the minimum delay. turnaround time as the driver can send an invoice quality POD
directly from the app on delivery. It also has a Management
Any transporter aiming to stay relevant should focus Console to plan and execute all loads daily with information
on how best to track shipments online and communicate presented visually on a dashboard in real-time, accessible by
this data in real-time with the customer, ideally through all relevant users – anytime, anywhere. •
22 SEP T E MB E R/O CT O B E R 2023 www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a