Page 29 - Logistics News - September October 2023
P. 29


            The NLCC has three key objectives. The first of these   customs clearance and immigration. The teams’ short-
          is to improve the operational performance of industry   term focus was on the N4 and thereafter on the N3, N12
          supply chains, including freight rail and ports. The   and N2, he said.
          committee is also implementing reforms to modernise
          the freight transport system and restore its efficiency and   Numerous successful arrests were a positive
          competitiveness. Its final objective is to create enabling   development in the NLCC’s security workstream. This
          conditions for the freight transport system to operate   workstream aims to secure railway, port and pipeline
          effectively, including legislative changes and exemptions   infrastructure. It has also established a link between the
          where necessary to enable efficient procurement     NLCC and the Joint Initiative on Crime and Corruption
          processes and adequate funding of the network.      (JICC). Currently, this team is assisting industry in
                                                              collecting incidents to conduct crime pattern analysis and
            With more than 130 South African CEOs and leading   crime threat analysis, Bird said. “They are also conducting
          businesses supporting the NLCC and committed to     resource assessments of existing security measures and
          working with government to achieve these objectives,   resources within industry, providing aerial surveillance
          SAPICS Spring Conference presenters Dicks, Mgojo and   capability and establishing an escalation mechanism to
          Ian Bird offered attendees glimmers of hope as they   report incidents for quick resolution.”
          shared their insights on the committee’s progress to date.
                                                                 He reported that significant work was being done by
            Bird, who is the Senior Executive responsible for the   the SA Police Service to secure the North Corridor line
          transport and logistics focal area at Business for South   from Thabazimbi to Richards Bay, which includes the
          Africa (B4SA), stated that the NLCC has the attention of   export coal line to Richards Bay and that the aim is a
          President Cyril Ramaphosa. “Progress has been slightly   crime-free corridor.
          slower than we hoped, but we meet directly with the
          President every six weeks to provide an update,” he    Dicks reported that progress had been made in
          informed SAPICS Spring Conference delegates. Non-   unblocking inefficiencies in Transnet’s procurement and
          executive Transnet directors have also been assigned to   financing. “We are working with the National Treasury
          each of the NLCC’s corridor projects.               and Transnet to ensure the procurement process is
                                                              more agile and adaptive and that there are no delays in
            Bird said that two NLCC workstreams formed        procuring urgent spares and equipment. State-owned
          in August have achieved milestones. “The Minerals   corporations, including Transnet, are engaging with
          Council of South Africa Corridor Optimisation Teams   National Treasury regarding required exemptions to
          have transitioned into NLCC Corridor Recovery Teams   improve operational efficiencies and on procurement
          (CRT), which are working on five key corridors. Terms   matters relating to private sector participation
          of reference and key performance indicators (KPIs) are   transactions.”
          being finalised per corridor, including the identification
          of project teams. A central coordination centre and    Dicks cited the example of a shortage of batteries to
          self-regulation tool concept paper have been drafted.   start locomotives. He said that the procurement issue of
          Engagement sessions have been held with potential data   taking three months to get them shipped to South Africa
          partners to establish the central coordination centre.   was a priority that would be resolved, along with other
          A multidisciplinary team has been formed to address   ‘nuts and bolts’ problems topping the NLCC’s agenda.
          congestion challenges at the Lebombo border crossing   “We need to communicate hope and we will make a
          and N4,” Bird revealed.                             difference very shortly,” Bird concluded.

            He also explained that the Border Management         This year’s SAPICS Spring Conference was held in
          Authority (BMA) and SARS were rolling out an efficiency   collaboration with the South African Association of
          improvement pilot programme, with mobile units for   Freight Forwarders (SAAFF). •

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