Page 19 - Logistics News - September October 2023
P. 19


          maintenance needs. In the long run, this results in less   Cranes
          vehicle downtime, improved customer service and a   Ctrack’s SMILE has also proven invaluable in the
          more profitable operation.                         construction industry, particularly with regard to the
                                                             operation of cranes. SMILE can be configured to prevent
          Case study: Bridges                                overloading or operation when the system detects wind
          SMILE can also be utilised to prevent tall vehicles from   speeds exceeding preset parameters. Warning operators via
          colliding with low bridges. Again, geo zones are able   an audible buzzer in the cabin ensures the safety of workers
          to entirely prevent vehicles with high body profiles or   and equipment. Non-compliance with the set time limits will
          trailer configurations from crashing into low bridges   also immobilise the crane, while operations managers are
          by navigating them to passable routes or activating   automatically alerted via SMS when a crane is shut down.
          the vehicle’s immobiliser unit and stopping the driver
          from continuing when an unpassable bridge is being    “Ctrack is always evolving, and the development and
          approached.                                        refinement of technology and capabilities such as SMILE
                                                             allow us to continually offer our customers the best
          Cash-in-transit                                    solutions in an ever-changing world, across a variety of
          It is well known that cash-in-transit vehicles are at   industries,” concludes Jordt.
          extremely high risk, especially as we approach the
          festive season. Ctrack’s SMILE can control doors and   Ctrack’s innovative SMILE technology is transforming fleet
          vaults based on operational conditions and activate   management across diverse industries. With a commitment
          security mitigation solutions autonomously in case of   to risk mitigation, cost control, fleet utilisation, operations
          emergencies.                                       control and asset management, SMILE empowers businesses
                                                             with tailored solutions to meet their unique priorities. From
            SMILE integrates with hardware such as cameras,   enhancing cargo security and reducing theft to minimising
          allowing fleet managers to monitor vault, door and   maintenance and downtime, this versatile technology
          hatch usage. In addition, with the assistance of artificial   provides real-time benefits that improve operations, bolster
          intelligence, smart programming can identify events   security and enhance profitability. As Ctrack continues to
          captured by cameras such as the evidence of firearms   improve its offering and refine its technology, it remains at
          or gunshots and automatically put emergency measures  the forefront of delivering top-tier solutions to a dynamic
          in place without the driver or fleet manager needing to   world, serving a wide range of industries with excellence and
          react.                                             innovation. •

          www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a                            SEP T E MB E R/O CT O B E R 2023  17
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