Page 30 - Logistics News - September October 2023
P. 30


          The Pareto Principle

          in the warehouse

                                                                                 Contributed by Fortna,

          The Pareto Principle, or the 80/20 rule, has helped distribution organisations better understand
          inventory needs, optimise resource allocations and determine the automation solutions needed to

          grow and scale operations.

            n 1896, a French economist, Vilfredo Pareto, published a   Classifying inventory
            textbook that contained a concept he named the Pareto   Another step to take before using the Pareto Principle
         IDistribution, which examined the distribution of wealth in   is classifying inventory. This step can help gain critical
          Paris, France. Over a hundred years later, this concept has   insights into demand, value and velocity. A broad spectrum
          been adapted to modern times and is better known as the   of factors can be used in the classification, such as item
          Pareto Principle or the 80/20 rule. It is a statistical model   priority, storage needs and cost per order.
          that suggests that 80 percent of all outcomes come from
          20 percent of the effort.                           Inventory classification types:
                                                              •  ABC classification. This method assigns a value or an
            Across the distribution landscape, this principle can   importance level to SKUs, with the most valuable inventory
          be applied to many segments, including inventory, order   as A, the next level as B and the least valuable as C.
          fulfilment and the allocation of resources. Here, we will   •  XYZ classification. Like the ABC method, this system
          examine how the principle relates to warehouse processes   classifies inventory into three tiers based on their demand
          and design, the operational data needed and how to apply   variability, with the X tier being the most variable demand,
          the principle to optimise inventory and operations.  Y being the next level and Z being the least variable
          Gathering data                                      •  FSN classification. This classification method values
          Before applying the Pareto Principle, gathering and   the rate at which SKUs are consumed. They are placed
          analysing warehouse performance data is essential.   in three categories: fast-moving (F), slow-moving (S) and
          Warehouse-driven key performance indicators (KPIs) to   non-moving (N).
          consider include:                                   •  HML classification. This method places its emphasis on
          • Order fulfilment time.                             the monetary cost of the SKU: high value (H), medium
          • Order accuracy rate.                               value (M) and low value (L).
          • SKU velocity.
          • Inventory turns.                                    The Pareto Principle lends itself to any inventory
          • Stockouts.                                        classification method; however, it will be up to the operation
          • Delivery lead times.                              to set the priorities and objectives that are the best fit.

            Knowing these KPIs will allow an organisation to analyse   Applying the Pareto Principle to drive
          data, make data-backed business decisions and assist   productivity
          in conducting a Pareto Principle analysis. A warehouse   In our example, we will use the FSN inventory classification
          management system (WMS) or warehouse execution      to determine the SKUs that fall into each category, then
          system (WES) can help analyse and visualise real-time data,   leverage the operational KPIs to recognise the top 20
          anticipate fluctuations in demand and identify inventory   percent of total SKUs. By prioritising these fast-moving
          trends.                                             SKUs and understanding their demand patterns and

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