Page 31 - Logistics News - September October 2023
P. 31


          replenishment cycles, an operation can begin to optimise   accessible and can be picked quickly, ensuring that the
          inventory levels and reduce inventory carrying costs.  fastest-moving items get priority.

            By applying this data, an operation can reconsider   Using the Pareto Principle to drive
          warehouse layout, slotting practices and picking    automation decisions
          methodologies.                                      The Pareto Principle is not just an inventory concept; it
          •  Warehouse layout. By taking the SKUs in the top 20   can help drive decisions on the types of automation and
           percent, an organisation can create an operational   operational processes needed. A clear understanding of
           design that maximises the SKUs’ velocity for on-the-floor   inventory value and velocity can highlight the technology
           placement, picking travel time and order fulfilment speed.  and automation an organisation will need to grow and
          •  Slotting opportunities. Slotting SKUs from a Pareto   continue to satisfy customer demand.
           Principle analysis can slot inventory in the best optimised
           spaces, creating faster fulfilment and throughput.    For instance, if an organisation is genuinely 80/20
          •  Picking optimisation. Employing a picking        regarding its inventory and its SKUs can fit into a tote or a
           methodology to match the findings of the Pareto    bin, a high-density solution like AutoStore or an automated
           Principle analysis can reap productivity gains. For   storage and retrieval system (AS/RS) could be worth
           example, an organisation employing FSN classification   investigating. Other automated solutions could be more
           can use a zone-picking concept to place its SKUs in   appropriate if an operation has SKUs that fall into the 70/30
           the top 20 percent into one zone where SKUs are easily   to 60/40 area of value and velocity. •

          www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a                            SEP T E MB E R/O CT O B E R 2023  29
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