Page 33 - Logistics News - September October 2023
P. 33


          enforce their policy while providing training on the   hundreds of tests daily, storing all the data results in a
          dangers of driving under the influence and promoting   cloud-based platform, which makes for easy driver fleet
          responsible driving practices. One of the most practical   management reporting.
          ways to do this is by investing in workplace testing for
          alcohol and other intoxicating substances.          Safety is in the numbers
                                                              Using these analytics, it is possible to identify
            At their dispatch hubs, a number of significant   problematic drivers for rehabilitation purposes and to
          South African logistics and delivery companies have   get a clear indication of the overall safety performance
          started a pilot programme for mandatory testing and   of the business. This data can be used for auditory
          before drivers are permitted to leave the site with a   purposes by the relevant labour inspector checking
          delivery, they must submit to a breathalyser test. This   safety compliance and can just as easily be presented
          process is repeated each time the driver returns to the   to an insurance provider to petition for and justify a
          depot to collect a new order for delivery. Such testing   reduction in insurance premiums. Just as insurance
          is unmanned and automated, requiring simply the     companies reward individual consumers for driving well
          mounting of a testing device to a wall near the access   (through the placement of vehicle monitoring devices),
          control point at a depot location. The access control   so too should insurance providers reward businesses
          system can be linked to the results of the breathalyser   with lower premiums in return for proactively mitigating
          test – if the driver fails, they are not permitted to   their risk by ensuring driver safety through workplace
          proceed. Such testing apparatus can be used to conduct   drug and alcohol testing. •

          www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a                            SEP T E MB E R/O CT O B E R 2023  31
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