Page 23 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
P. 23


          exchange; it is about unlocking synergies and creating   to reduce waste, as well as the ability to respond
          value. From collaborative product development to joint   proactively to ethical concerns.
          innovation initiatives, technology-driven partnerships
          in the supply chain foster a culture of continuous     Using technology collectively, supply chain partners
          improvement. This, in turn, translates into enhanced   have access to increased visibility of the impact of
          efficiency, reduced costs and the ability to capitalise on   operations and can track progress and use data and
          new markets.                                        analytics to address environmental and social issues.
                                                              By working together, stakeholders can create a supply
            Of course, the supply chain is often complex      chain that aligns with global sustainability goals.
          and vast, involving many players, some external,
          and interactions before goods even reach their final   Enabling collaboration through a
          destination. Harnessing the collective strengths of   technology provider
          each segment depends on the connectedness of all    For successful collaboration, there needs to be a unified
          stakeholders in all sectors. Technology has the power   approach by all partners in the supply chain. Too many
          to link the ecosystem, overcome challenges and open   systems, too many platforms and a lack of cohesion
          doors to possibilities.                             in using technology effectively can result in wasted
                                                              time, resources and money and lead to fragmentation.
            For example, the informal market in Africa – the   As organisations in the sector continue to digitalise,
          backbone of economic activity on the continent – offers   they need a technology partner that understands their
          supply chain businesses significant opportunities to   unique needs and offers services to enhance supply
          expand distribution reach. However, many of these small   chain collaboration through seamless, scalable, flexible
          business owners are constrained by physical limitations   integrated solutions.
          when ordering and paying for goods, which are often
          in low quantities. Transport and logistics companies   We believe that a technology partner must have the
          can collaborate with suppliers as well as financial   expertise and capabilities to guide businesses through the
          technology providers to overcome these barriers. Using   digitalisation process and enable them to get the most from
          connectivity as the link in the supply chain between   collaboration using an entire technology stack. This should
          all these partners increases visibility and enables the   include services such as providing IT infrastructure, cloud
          distribution of goods to various informal vendors cost-  hosting and data centre facilities, high-capacity, reliable
          effectively with mobile money as a convenient payment   connectivity, superior cybersecurity and a centralised point
          system. As a result, collaboration can drive a more   of contact across locations.
          inclusive, profitable market, leading to socio-economic
          upliftment.                                            The collaborative supply chain powered by technology
                                                              is a strategic imperative for businesses aiming to thrive
          Driving sustainability goals                        in today’s competitive and ever-evolving landscape. The
          As the world grapples with social and environmental   integration of collaborative technologies fosters resilience,
          challenges, supply chains can use collaborative     agility and innovation, propelling supply chains into a new
          technologies to be more environmentally conscious and   era of efficiency and responsiveness.
          socially responsible. Collective efforts can lead to the
          development of eco-friendly practices such as shared   At the heart, the collaborative supply chain connects
          transportation resources, optimised routes to minimise   organisations and people to transform not only the
          emissions and the implementation of green innovations   industry, but also the lives of the customers it serves. •

          www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a                                       I S S UE 01 – 2024    21
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