Page 22 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
P. 22


                                          ance of supply chain
          The import
          The importance of supply chain
          collaboration through technology
          c  ollabor              a  tion thr              ough t             echnology

                                                              By Vanessa Schonborn, Executive Head of
                                                            Transport and Logistics at Vodacom Business

         Collaboration is vital to the success of any supply chain ecosystem.

                ransport and logistics companies know only    stronger relationships between supply chain partners.
                too well why fostering relationships between   This can lead to closer collaboration, clearer shared
         T all stakeholders in the supply chain can help      objectives and greater synthesis in the supply chain –
          to ensure smoother operations and greater success,   to benefit all partners and customers too.
          especially in times of disruption, economic pressures
          and market uncertainty.                             Sharing data for better results
                                                              Through shared end-to-end platforms and
            As businesses embrace technological innovation,   interconnected systems, previously disparate supply
          supply chains are giving way to interconnected      chain partners can exchange crucial information
          ecosystems of collaboration. Gartner predicts that by   seamlessly and support one another in unforeseen
          2026, more than 50 percent of large organisations in   events. In transport and logistics, this facilitates
          the supply chain will compete as collaborative digital   better coordination and ensures visibility until the
          ecosystems rather than discrete firms – sharing inputs,   last mile for both customers and businesses. It
          assets and innovations. By working together, companies   also unlocks the potential for data-driven insights.
          within the supply chain can use technology to increase   By leveraging advanced artificial intelligence and
          visibility, deliver better service and explore new business   analytics capabilities, organisations can optimise
          opportunities.                                      processes, predict market trends and address supply
                                                              chain challenges in real-time, ushering in a new era of
          Improving communication across the                  informed decision-making.
          One of the first steps in bringing supply chain partners   Sharing business information places emphasis on
          together and overcoming barriers to collaboration   data quality, privacy, usage and exchange. The data
          is to improve communication, not only between       also needs to be kept secure when communicated
          organisations, but the cross-functional teams within   across the supply chain and in keeping with regulatory
          them. Replacing incompatible legacy systems with    obligations, especially for multinational transport and
          technology such as cloud-based platforms, Internet   logistics companies working in various geographies.
          of Things (IoT) devices and collaborative software   Furthermore, as data becomes a valuable business
          solutions can help to break down traditional silos,   asset, effective collaboration between players in the
          reduce bottlenecks, create centralised points of contact   supply chain ecosystem requires building trust and
          and connect stakeholders from any location at any time.    long-term partnerships to meet combined objectives.

            Enhanced constant omnidirectional communication   Working together for future growth
          enables responsiveness, agility to sudden changes and   Collaboration extends beyond mere information

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