Page 14 - Logistics News - July August 2023
P. 14


        Decarbonising strategies for the

        African transport and logistics sector

        A recent webinar, hosted by DMG Events, organiser of Transport Evolution Africa, convened industry experts
        and stakeholders to discuss the urgent need for decarbonising strategies in the African transport and
        logistics sector.

              he webinar shed light on the existing challenges and   in place, such as the Presidential Climate Commission (PCC) as
              potential solutions to mitigate carbon emissions in   well as the Green Transport Strategy. However, he noted the lack
        Tthe industry. A key takeaway from the webinar was    of concrete policies enabling the industry to transition effectively.
        the apparent disconnect between transporters and transport   Parry echoed the sentiment of a signalling mismatch between
        buyers. The industry seemed more focused on reporting rather   buyers’ green aspirations and transporters’ fleet operations,
        than taking concrete actions to reduce emissions, creating a   emphasising the necessity for further measures to facilitate the
        mismatch in signals between transporters and users. Another   adoption of greener options.
        challenge is the slow pace of policy reforms and changes in
        regulations to help bolster the adoption of decarbonisation   Abdool Kamdar, Manager Decarbonisation and Net Zero at
        strategies.                                           KDG Logistics, raised concerns about the perceived higher costs
                                                              associated with greener alternatives. However, he pointed out
           Ziad Hamoui, President of the Borderless Alliance   that significant progress could be achieved by decarbonising the
        organisation based in Ghana, raised concerns about the   existing fleet. With the implementation of various technologies,
        lack of alignment on national, regional and continental   it is possible to reduce CO  emissions by approximately 20
        standards for decarbonisation. He emphasised the need   percent within three to six months, yielding positive cash flow
        for collaboration between countries to align their standards   and improving profits by 20-30 percent. Abdool stressed the
        and policies, particularly in two critical areas: infrastructure   importance of transporters carefully evaluating and selecting
        development and vehicle standards. Hamoui highlighted   the most suitable technology for their specific context while
        the importance of considering costs and available finance   keeping transport costs low to foster economic growth. Notably,
        to facilitate a smooth transition towards greener transport   South Africa is deploying electric vehicle (EV) trucks at a scale
        options.                                              comparable to many developed countries.

           Abiola Osho, Vice President of Investments at African   Government support was identified as crucial in driving the
        Finance Corporation, addressed the perspective of high-emitting   transition towards decarbonisation. The webinar participants
        industries and countries on decarbonisation strategies. He   urged policymakers to reduce duties and introduce incentives
        highlighted significant challenges related to productivity and   to promote greater adoption of EVs. They also emphasised the
        infrastructure, stressing the need for realistic targets that align   need for localising the production chain of renewable energy and
        with available financing. Osho called for holistic interventions   battery technologies.
        driven by leadership, including clear policy and regulations,
        effective execution and transparent communication, and   The webinar concluded with a call for continued
        emphasised that meeting these targets would require an   collaboration, dialogue and concerted efforts from stakeholders
        estimated $2.5-trillion, which might take up to 200 years to   across the transport and logistics sector in Africa to accelerate
        realise.                                              the development and implementation of effective decarbonising
           Eric Parry, Senior Manager Sustainable Solutions at Volvo,
        who is also a member of the new energy committee for the   Decarbonisation strategies and sustainability/ESG will be
        National Association of Automobile Manufacturers of South   one of the key topics at this year’s Transport Evolution Africa
        Africa (NAAMSA), acknowledged the positive initiatives already   conference from 20-22 September at the Durban ICC. •

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