Page 17 - Logistics News - July August 2023
P. 17


                rder picking is one of the most labour-intensive   picking involves workers picking multiple orders at the
                processes in the warehouse. In fact, labour accounts   same time, with the orders grouped by SKU type. This
         Ofor nearly 65 percent of the operating budget in    method can greatly decrease the steps a worker takes
          distribution centres (DCs) that use a primarily manual   and allows them to fulfil multiple orders on the same
          approach to picking. While many different methodologies   pass through the warehouse. A mobile picking cart is
          for order fulfilment exist, it remains one of the most   normally utilised.
          critical activities affecting productivity, accuracy rates and
          throughput.                                         5. Pick-to-box
                                                              While not a new picking methodology, pick-to-box has
          1. Single-order picking                             been gaining popularity due to labour challenges. In this
          The most commonly used picking method in DCs is also   picking method, the picking process begins with selecting
          the most time-consuming and least productive: single-order   the box for the order at the beginning of the pick. The
          picking. This is the practice of fulfilling one order at a time;   WMS analyses the product’s size and dimensions and
          a worker takes the order and walks through the warehouse,   determines the appropriate box for the order. The worker
          picking SKUs until the order is completed. They then take   prints a shipping label and adheres it to the box, and the
          the order to a pack and ship station and move on to the next   worker can pick several orders in one pass through the
          order. This method is popular because it is the least complex   warehouse by using a picking cart. After all the orders
          and requires minimal to no automation.              are fulfilled, the worker seals the boxes manually or runs
                                                              them through an automatic sealing machine.
          2. Zone picking
          Using this method of picking, a warehouse is split into   This method can effectively replace pack and ship
          multiple zones. Orders come into a zone and are picked by   stations, improve productivity and order accuracy, and
          the worker stationed within that zone. When all products   lower shipping material costs. A WMS with pick-to-box
          in that zone are picked, they move on to the next zone for   capability is needed as well as mobile carts, handheld or
          additional picks or, if completed, to a pack and ship station.   wearable scanning devices, and label printers.
          This method is best for relieving congestion in pick lanes
          and can improve productivity as an operation can group   6. Wave picking
          promotional, seasonal and high-velocity products in one zone   For fulfilling orders that have a high number of SKUs, a
          as well as items that are likely to be ordered together.  wave picking method may be the right strategy. Wave
                                                              picking uses a zone concept with orders released in
            Slotting software and a warehouse management system   waves to satisfy customer expectations and meet tight
          (WMS) can be leveraged for this solution, as can robotics, like   shipping windows. Workers will pick all the SKUs in one
          autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), which can also be used   zone for the current wave before moving to the next
          to transport orders from zone to zone.              zone. This method allows an operation to ensure that
                                                              orders will be available for shipping at the correct times,
          3. Pick and pass                                    although it will require the appropriate amount of labour
          Using zone-picking principles, inventory is slotted into   to be effective. Like zone picking, WMS and slotting
          multiple zones. Orders are picked and placed in a tote or   software can be useful.
          shipping container, then the tote is passed on to the next
          zone via a conveyor that runs through the zones. The tote will   Which method is the best? That depends. Factors such
          then travel to the next zone for additional items to complete   as warehouse size, product characteristics, turn times,
          the order or, if the order is fulfilled, it will travel to the shipping   picks per order and customer and shipping expectations
          area.                                               play a part in determining the best picking methodologies
                                                              for your operation. Analysing internal and external data,
          4. Batch picking                                    forecasting demand and understanding labour needs can
          If an operation fulfils orders with minimal SKUs, batch   drive the selection of one method over another and help
          picking can be a beneficial methodology to adopt. Batch   transform your order fulfilment operations. •

          www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a                                    JULY/A U GU S T 2023     15
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