Page 18 - Logistics News - July August 2023
P. 18
ack channels its
Ctrack channels its
‘Power to Predict’
‘Power to Predict’
Ctrack, a leading player in the telematics business, is transforming its business with the slogan ‘The
Power to Predict’ at the nucleus of this new strategy as it looks to meet its customers’ high demands in a
changing and challenging environment.
track has a long history of market leadership in ability to know what is happening with their vehicles, drivers
telematics, fleet management and technology and cargo at any time of the day via a single platform. That
Cdevelopment that facilitated industry disruptions software solution is Crystal, an all-encompassing, cloud-based
throughout its 38-year history. Highlights include developing platform. Crystal is a single platform where AI telematics
the technology behind the first multi-box tracking unit in 1997, meets data intelligence and offers all the functionality that
Discovery Insure’s usage-based insurance in 2011 and the consumers have come to know and love in one location. The
launch of Crystal in 2022. “With the emergence of big data, result is a business tool that offers so much more than simple
Ctrack realised that we needed to offer our clients solutions reporting.
that allow them to utilise this data to their advantage in the
most efficient way possible,” says Hein Jordt, Chief Executive Live data allows fleet managers to keep their finger on
Officer of Ctrack. the pulse of daily operations and if there is anything out of
the ordinary, they will have the foresight to act before they are
Ctrack’s brand transformation reflects its commitment forced to react. Whether you are a small business owner with
to providing cutting-edge data and telematics solutions that a single delivery vehicle or are managing a fleet of hundreds
stretch beyond traditional fleet management capabilities. of trucks across the continent, you are guaranteed to move
Ctrack recognises the immense potential that lies within better when you have the power to predict. “We are passionate
harnessing data to drive actionable intelligence and optimise about empowering our clients using cutting-edge technologies
business operations. “This is more than a cosmetic change, to transform quality data into actionable insight and foresight
it signifies Ctrack’s dedication to innovation and commitment that allows our customers to predict the future with certainty,
to staying at the forefront of technological advancements. optimise efficiencies and make informed decisions based on
The revamped brand reflects our belief in the transformative good quality data,” adds Jordt.
potential of data insights and predictive power,” adds Jordt.
Crystal is fully customisable, so there’s no limit to what
The power to predict goes hand in hand with the core you can have sight of and keep tabs on. A multitude of data
pillars that have always been the motivating factor for Ctrack’s is collected, interpreted and packaged, allowing customers
ongoing research and development efforts as it aims to assist to make informed decisions and continuously refine their
customers in reducing risk and minimising safety hazards, operations. With data and insights at its fingertips, Ctrack can
optimising fleet productivity and efficiency, improving asset predict scenarios and put measures into place to negotiate
management and tracking, managing and improving driver these situations as safely and efficiently as possible. ”Owners
behaviour and automating and streamlining compliance. have less time to manage fleets, but Crystal allows them to do
These pillars along with a sense of urgency have allowed so much more and gain a deeper understanding of data as well
Ctrack to develop flourishing long-term business relationships. as clear predictions with a limited number of clicks,” says Jordt.
The power to predict is possible thanks to Ctrack’s well- Crystal allows for job management, assigning tasks and
developed hardware and software solutions that give users the planning routes in the most efficient manner. Alerts ensure
16 JULY/A U GU S T 2023 www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a