Page 20 - Logistics News - July August 2023
P. 20


          Shifting focus from tracking productivity

          to delivering value to clients

                                              By Mike Freislich, leading Coach and Trainer from We Do Change

          Rather than tracking people and their productive time, businesses should
          understand the collective effectiveness of people and thus prioritise delivering
          enhanced value to customers.

               usinesses today are too preoccupied with measuring   3.  Thirdly, focusing on delivering value to customers
               workplace productivity by managing people’s time   indirectly benefits employees. Engaging employees in
         Band evaluating their performance. However, this     understanding the value of their work to customers leads
          fixation often detracts from understanding customer needs   to higher motivation levels, reduced staff turnover rates,
          and delivering quality outcomes. Rather than tracking   increased productivity, better product quality and a stronger
          people and their productive time, I encourage businesses to   commitment to the business.
          understand the collective effectiveness of people and thus
          prioritise delivering enhanced value to customers.   Research has shown that businesses make common
                                                            mistakes when managing people and their perceived
             In today’s competitive marketplace, this strategic   productivity levels. One such mistake is overemphasising the
          approach fosters sustained business growth and customer   quantity of output over quality, which often results in rushed
          satisfaction. Redirecting organisational focus toward   work and compromised solutions. Prioritising quantity over
          valued outcomes is crucial for three main reasons:  quality can lead to dissatisfied customers and tarnishes a
                                                            business’s long-term reputation.
          1. Firstly, providing value to customers is paramount in
           satisfying their needs, fostering customer loyalty and   Micromanagement is another pitfall that stifles creativity
           driving repeat purchases. When customers perceive   and innovation, particularly in knowledge work. When
           value in a product or service, they are more likely to   employees feel constantly watched and scrutinised, their
           become returning customers and recommend the     motivation dwindles and they are less likely to take risks or
           business to others, and this can lead to an increase in   generate new ideas. Empowering employees with ownership
           sales and positive word-of-mouth marketing.      and autonomy is crucial for fostering a collaborative culture
                                                            that drives innovation.
          2.  Secondly, differentiation and establishing a market
            edge within a crowded marketplace is crucial for   Six simple ways to shift your organisational
            businesses to stand out from their competitors. By   focus
            offering more value to customers, businesses gain a   1. Question the validity of work
            competitive advantage, attracting a larger market share   We must be selective over what work is finished next.
            and increased profitability. Customers tend to choose   Questioning the validity of work at all levels (programme, project,
            businesses that offer better value, making it a key factor   epic, feature, task) with a preference for the larger work requests
            in influencing their purchasing decisions.      can help to expose suboptimal decisions around value.

           18       JULY/A U GU S T 2023                                                 www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a
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