Page 21 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
P. 21


            This is the culmination of the initiatives that have   difficulties and focus on the big-picture goals, which
          been held in previous years and in very recent times,   are transformation and empowerment.
          including the Women in Transport Summit. This fund is
          a specially thought out financing instrument that places   Although the fund is designed to target road
          transformation and empowerment above issues such as   transport and logistics, sectors such as rail, aviation
          qualifying criteria – often making it extremely difficult   and maritime will form part of key industries. These
          for black owners and emerging businesses to access   actions are informed by the core mandate set out as
          funding.                                            part of the objectives of the private-public partnerships
                                                              formed to not only confront issues in the sector, but
            We recognise that some of these businesses will   to continuously take action to ensure sustainable
          remain challenged in their quest to access scale and   and consistent transformation in an industry that is
          growth-enabling funding resources. We have thus     extremely important to the development of South
          decided to place our efforts on eliminating these   Africa. •

          www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a                                       I S S UE 01 – 2024    19
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