Page 17 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
P. 17


         Future-proofing the supply

         chain in sub-Saharan Africa

                                      By Mohammed Akoojee, CEO and MD for sub-Saharan Africa at DP World

         An agile and forward-thinking approach is imperative to expedite change and

         enhance growth to achieve optimisation and harmonisation in sub-Saharan (SSA)
         supply chains.

               rade resilience has emerged as the cornerstone    The most prominent supply chain trends for SSA in 2024
               of success in today’s dynamic global supply    focus on building resilience and sustainability, economic
         Tchain industry. Amidst the backdrop of growing      sensitivity, flexibility and leveraging technological innovation for

         macroeconomic risks and rapid changes in many parts   increased visibility.
         of the world, this robustness has become essential for

         navigating the complex dynamics defining the current   Future-proofing the supply chain
         trade landscape in SSA and the broader continent.    Increasing awareness of environmental, social and governance
                                                              (ESG) issues will continue to drive better decision-making in
            Africa, with the world’s youngest population and   supply chains. The growing call to reduce carbon emissions
         growing urbanisation rates, boasts an attractive market   and address climate change will continue in 2024, pushing
         – both as a global trade partner and within the continent,   businesses to adopt electrified or renewable energy approaches.

         with intra-African trade expected to increase at a
         compound annual growth rate of almost 4 percent over    The electrification of vehicles offers a resounding

         the coming years. Logistics will continue to play a pivotal   opportunity for the industry to meet net-zero targets. Adopting
         role in facilitating and enhancing intra-African trade and   this approach throughout the value chain will unlock the
         connecting Africa and the world, with the African logistics   full potential for carbon emission savings. Moreover, skills
         industry expected to double over the next three to five   and talent development play a crucial role in addressing the
         years.                                               industry’s skills shortage by providing training and upskilling
                                                              opportunities. Nurturing the future leaders of the supply chain is

            However, regional supply chain pressures, such as inefficient   vital for sustained digitisation and decarbonisation efforts.

         infrastructure and high logistics costs of two to three times
         more than leading global economies, significantly impact food   Resilient food supply chains

         and trade inflation, amplifying challenges in a region already   The global climate crisis continues to negatively impact
         facing complex dynamics, including political instability and   nutritional food sources for millions of Africans every year.
         elections in some African countries this year, climate change,   Further, roughly 82 percent of Africans facing acute food

         food security challenges, global geopolitical tensions as well as   insecurity reside in countries of conflict. These challenges
         inflation and currency headwinds.                    have placed increased pressure on the supply chain industry to

                                                              establish innovative solutions to improve market access and

            Future-proofing supply chains to be more robust and flexible   bring essential food products to people across the continent,
         not only fortifies SSA’s connection to world trade routes, but also   including in remote areas. Cold chain storage will continue to

         promotes increased intra-African trade, with integrated supply   grow as an impactful solution to reinforce African supply chains
         chain solutions becoming increasingly vital to navigate the   and equip logistics providers with the infrastructure to address
         dynamic trade environment.                           this growing concern.

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