Page 53 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
P. 53


          DHL partners with VulPro for Africa’s

          largest vulture relocation project

          LOGISTICS COMPANY DHL has partnered with            the continent and
          VulPro in South Africa to deliver the largest relocation   is spearheading
          of vultures ever undertaken in Africa. As part of this   population restocking
          unique conservative initiative, DHL was responsible   and supplementation
          for the transportation and security of 160 birds from   to address the severe
          VulPro Hartbeespoort to VulPro in Shamwari Private   decline of African
          Game Reserve in the Eastern Cape. This concludes the   vulture species. We
          first phase of the project to secure the future of wild   are extremely excited
          vulture populations in southern Africa, with 160 Cape   to have partnered
          and African white-backed vultures settled into their new   with organisations
          home at Shamwari Private Game Reserve.              such as DHL, which
                                                              understand the
            “This delivery continues a proud tradition at DHL of   important role that   DHL provided transportation and
          supporting animal conservation efforts,” says Anthony   these birds play in the   security for 160 vultures, which were
          Beckley, VP of Operations, DHL Express SSA. “We are thrilled   environment.”   carefully loaded in specialised crates.
          to have played a critical role in the safe delivery of these
          endangered birds. Complex projects like this allow us to   DHL has been an active supporter of VulPro since
          showcase the power of our DHL network and deliver on our   2015 and has assisted the organisation with several
          purpose of connecting people and improving lives.”    smaller-scale relocations throughout the partnership.
                                                              This momentous move involved over 50 volunteers,
            Kerri Wolter, VulPro CEO, adds: “VulPro is the    took 18 hours and all 160 birds were loaded in just three
          only vulture conservation organisation of its kind on   hours before embarking on the 1,042km journey. •

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