Page 52 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
P. 52


          Goler partners with Relog to offer

          financially sustainable expansion path

         GROWING YOUR business or expanding your              various business and
         warehouse capacities shouldn’t be hindered by the cost   financial needs. It makes
         of capital or the ability and availability of in-house skills   acquiring and implementing
         and resources. Goler, a new brand in the industry, aims   the correct equipment
         to enable its customers to focus on what they do best   simple. With a well-designed
         – growing their business. Through its partnership with   solution in hand, Goler
         Relog – a logistics and supply chain consulting and   can source and secure the
         infrastructure design company, Goler offers a bespoke   necessary equipment at the   Floris Visser, Director at
         turnkey solution in its ability to not only develop efficient   best possible price on your   Goler and CEO of Relog.
         and sustainable logistical solutions, but also the ability   behalf.
         to finance these solutions in a way that best suits your
         business.                                               Through this solution, companies can avoid large,
                                                              upfront cash outlays in their operational equipment
            In an innovative approach, their design and finance   budget with predictable, fixed monthly payments.
         turnkey solution will strengthen your balance sheet   Relog’s extensive cross-industry experience can also
         while ensuring the operational solution and associated   ensure that your developed solution not only meets
         equipment developed and specified by Relog strengthen   your current operational needs, but can be scaled and
         your operational capability to grow your competitive   tweaked to fit your future operational needs as your
         advantage – especially when every cent counts.       business and the market change.

         Operational solution design                             Through Goler, you can finance the project, from
         Through its partnership with Relog, Goler offers clients   detailed designs to installation and training. Floris
         the opportunity to leverage Relog’s expertise, supplier   Visser, Director at Goler and CEO of Relog, sums it up:
         relations and buying power to develop fit-for-purpose   “Goler offers so much more than just financing. With the
         operational solutions that will support your business   help of Relog, whose fees are also part of the financed
         strategy and growth ambitions.                       solution, you will get the best equipment at the best
                                                              price with the assurance that it is the right fit for your
         Equipment financing, procurement and                 operational needs based on sound industrial engineering
         implementation                                       principles and many years of cross-industry experience
         Goler offers a solution financing option that can suit   from the experts at Relog.”

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