Page 54 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
P. 54


          Overnight road services – a

          viable alternative to airfreight

          IN A landscape where businesses demand swift and
          dependable logistics solutions, Seabourne Logistics   Garry Harris, Director
          is offering an innovative overnight road service (ONR),   at Seabourne
          setting new industry standards and delivering goods       Logistics ZA.
          punctually and rapidly. Designed to provide quick and
          efficient deliveries throughout South Africa, reaching   The company has invested heavily in the
          destinations typically serviced by air, the overnight   development of this service.  All line haul vehicles
          service creates a competitive edge in today’s fast-  are equipped with long-range tanks and anti-fatigue
          paced market.                                        cameras that are consistently operated by a double
                                                               crew, whose activities are closely monitored by a
             “The success of our overnight road service can    24-hour control room. Iveco Turbo Daily 50C 70
          be attributed to our dedication to quality, reliability   vehicles with reinforced heavy-duty tow bars and 1.5-
          and cost-effectiveness,” says Garry Harris, Director   ton trailers are operated within their warranty period
          at Seabourne Logistics ZA. “We understand that our   on the overnight road service, ensuring reliability.
          clients’ success depends on their ability to have goods   The fleet is subjected to bumper-to-bumper service
          delivered on time and within budget and we take that   checks every second to third day, depending on the
          responsibility very seriously.”                      rotation schedule.

             Transporting goods overnight by road presents        The vehicles have dimensions measuring 4,5m
          numerous benefits. The foremost advantage is its     (length) x 1,7m (width) x 1,9m (height), with a carrying
          cost-effectiveness, offering potential savings of    capacity of 2.5 tons and 16 cubic metres of space.
          up to 50 percent compared to airfreight services.    The trailers have dimensions of 3,3m (length) x 1,6m
          Moreover, it excels in cargo handling, boasting greater   (width) x 1,7m (height) and can carry 1-1.5 tons with
          space and flexibility than airlines. This facilitates the   9 cubic metres of available space. To enhance their
          transportation of hazardous materials and liquids,   robustness, the rear sections of the vehicles are
          which may be subject to stricter airborne regulations.  equipped with aluminium cladding walls and Marley-
                                                               type floors, complete with sunken securing points.
             “While road transport does have its limitations, it
          is considerably more accommodating, permitting the      “Businesses, driven by price sensitivity and
          carriage of items like aerosols or lithium batteries that   competition in service delivery, are increasingly
          may be restricted on flights. Importantly, our service   opting for this intermediate service that ensures next-
          consistently upholds high-quality standards, ensuring   day delivery,” explains Harris. “It holds great value in
          minimal disruptions,” continues Harris.              industries like the automotive sector, where the quick
                                                               movement of parts is crucial. It offers convenience
             Seabourne has created distribution hubs and       and flexibility, allowing for multiple deliveries in a
          fulfilment centres that are strategically positioned   single trip to remote places often left out of next-
          across the country to cater to its growing clientèle.   day delivery. More so, we’re constantly working on
          Not only has it increased the service’s reach, but    expanding our service reach and footprint across the
          also allows for more efficient transportation        country, providing our clients with a cost-effective
          networks.                                            solution,” concludes Harris. •

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