Page 13 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
P. 13


          resourced and chaotic one. Both had successful      deliver. Give me the overworked, under-resourced and
          outcomes, both followed their own distinct paths.   chaotic lean team any day.

             At one extreme, the WMS implementation team      Maximise your ROI
          has clear air to execute their tasks. The WMS team   A good WMS implementation team will always be able
          has open access to all in the client’s team. They can   to highlight a client’s supply chain issues. No WMS will
          discuss operational issues, understand constraints,   reach its potential return on investment while these
          agree on solutions and proceed. Finding time for    remain unfixed. Why put new sails on a boat with a
          training is often the challenge, but an efficient   hull covered in barnacles? The best time to fix those
          implementation gives more time to train the client’s   problems is before the WMS implementation begins.
          team.                                               Improvements made upstream afterwards may conflict
                                                              with the new WMS. Are those WMS conflicts identifiable
             At the other extreme, the WMS implementation is a   and fixable? Yes. Is it ideal and efficient? No.
          daily grind of challenges. The client team is a challenge
          to meet with. They find it difficult to explain their   Spend time to save time
          processes. They disagree on the solutions. Time to   Successful WMS implementations depend on a foundation
          work on the WMS implementation shrinks. Milestones   of solid supply chain processes. With all due respect to your
          stretch further apart. The WMS implementation team   senior management, you know the state of your upstream
          must split its time. WMS implementation stops while   processes. You know where the ‘rocks’ lie. You know what
          supply chain processes are rebuilt. These aren’t only   needs fixing. Fixing known upstream problems today will
          within the warehouse operation, but upstream too.   save time tomorrow. Remember, you want your new WMS
                                                              to deliver its full capability. Your new WMS can deliver
             Implementations are best for clients who know what   increased efficiency, accuracy and inventory control. You
          they’re doing, what they need and are keen for you to   want more than mild relief from upstream problems. •

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