Page 12 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
P. 12


          Will a WMS resolve your

          supply chain issues?

                                  By Michael Badwi, Chief Business Officer and Founder of Supply Chain Junction

          Free your new warehouse management system (WMS) to deliver increased efficiency,
          accuracy and inventory control, not just mild relief from your current problems.

               enior management isn’t happy... expecting a    drive significant benefits, but it isn’t the perfect panacea
               pleasant stroll through your warehouse, they   for all those upstream problems.
         S found it an ordeal. After their string of speeches
          and a distinct lack of listening, they share their finding.   Help! 
          To you, it’s a simple statement of fact.            This issue came up in a discussion with a group of
                                                              customers. They could all recount similar situations
            “There’s a mountain of excess inventory and our   from their junior careers. Their management teams
          customer service levels are inadequate. It’s clogging   launched into a new software implementation
          our warehouse and hurting our business.” And their   underprepared and they found themselves needing to
          insightful conclusion? “It’s inventory mismanagement...   correct an endless list of upstream problems. This was
          but we’ll fix that.”                                on top of existing time and budget pressures. It pushed
                                                              internal and external team relations to the limit.
            You try to explain, but are interrupted as they say: “A
          new WMS will fix this mess!” In a second attempt to    Their common view in hindsight was that a
          explain, you’re interrupted again. “No need to thank   seasoned WMS implementation team has seen many
          us. We’re here to solve your problems.” Someone     supply chains from the inside. Yes, they’re attuned to
          shakes your hand and adds: “That’s why we’re in senior   the issues, their drivers and their solutions. Yes, within
          management.”                                        reason they can give some fast, free and frank advice.
                                                              But, unless you request it, you don’t sign them up to fix
          A panacea for all problems?                         all the issues in your supply chain.
          Such an offer is great news. A new WMS will deliver
          increased efficiency, accuracy and inventory control.   They will set your warehouse up for success,
          Each of these benefits you, your warehouse and your   but you need to play your part. You need to give the
          customers. But, a new WMS won’t fix any underlying   implementation team and their WMS the oxygen they
          problems. It might offer some mild relief, but not if there   need to thrive. You need to fix your own problems first –
          are serious upstream problems. They need fixing.    the causes, not the symptoms.

            Anyone with problems upstream has problems        Which team are you on?
          downstream. Problems in planning and procurement    In the past, I have seen client teams at both extremes.
          show up in inventory – either too much or too little in   At one end, the calm, well-resourced and organised
          the wrong place at the wrong time. A new WMS can    operation. At the other end, the overworked, under-

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