Page 15 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
P. 15


          the data captured via temperature sensors, location   connections to block unauthorised access, prevent data
          beacons and radio frequency identification (RFID) at   manipulation and provide encrypted data transmissions
          the time the roses were unloaded from a trailer, put in   to help defend against security breaches.
          inbound staging, released from staging and taken to
          cold storage can be aggregated and compared using      Every rose has its thorn and right now, costs and delays
          prescriptive analytics. Should the temperature rise or   continue to mount in the Panama Canal, and conflict in the
          drop at any point, managers can identify the trouble   Red Sea shows no sight of ceasing as far as sea freight is
          area and time frame to rectify the root issue and   concerned. While the wider industry faces labour challenges
          prevent a reoccurrence. They can also use the data   and a decline in airfreight demand, transport and logistics
          to determine the potential impact of the temperature   companies and the retailers they serve are feeling yet more
          change on product quality. Recent advancements in   pressure. However, recent data suggests warehousing and
          data logger technologies leverage Bluetooth and near-  logistics leaders are heading in the right direction to make
          field communication (NFC) connectivity. Cold chain   their operations a lot more visible, resilient and secure.
          managers can now see what’s happening inside a box or
          crate without needing to open it, making it convenient to   Sixty-seven percent of decision-makers plan to
          track temperature variations in near-real time.     implement temperature monitoring sensors and smart
                                                              labels, while 91 percent want to move to cloud-based
            Data from these wireless-enabled data loggers is   systems for improved supply chain visibility. Whether an
          typically sent to the cloud. The inventory or quality   online order or in-store browsing, it’s a disappointment
          control manager can then sign into their private portal   when things aren’t available, especially for special
          to view the data for an entire shipment. Modern data   occasions like Valentine’s Day. Sensors and cloud
          loggers come with a security layer that provides secure   platforms are helping make that a thing of the past. •

          www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a                                       I S S UE 01 – 2024    13
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