Page 14 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
P. 14


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                                                                       a global
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          Valentine’s Day – a global
          cold chain challenge
             old chain challeng

                                                  By Andre Luecht, Global Strategy Lead for Transportation,
                                                          Logistics and Warehouse at Zebra Technologies

          How suppliers, logistics and warehousing companies can make sure their cold chain is
          the best it can be during peak buying times such as Valentine’s Day.

            magine going to a shop and it’s out of roses,     ‘air traffic control’ platforms that connect, analyse and
            chocolates or luxury dining for two – it might mean a   leverage data across the chain. These platforms provide
         I romantic plan is spoiled and reverting to a less-than-  predictive insights and analytics for road, sea, air, rail
          ideal backup option. In February, Valentine’s Day is upon   and last-mile routing and allow transport and logistics
          us again. For retailers, it’s a peak time for gift buying –   teams to build custom solutions with APIs and leverage
          roses, chocolates, luxury items and special offers. Total   AI assistants for problem identification and solving.
          spending in 2023 was expected to reach $25.9-billion,   For example, if a delayed arrival of an empty truck is
          according to National Research Foundation (NRF) data.   reported, a loading dock manager can turn to their
                                                              workforce management solution to reallocate labour.
            And, like in previous years, things can go wrong. One   They may have four workers they can send to help load
          risk is around wasted inventory – flowers, cosmetics,   or unload another temperature-sensitive shipment to
          food – because these are sensitive to humidity and   minimise exposure to warmer (or colder) temperatures.
          temperature. For example, the rose supply chain is   In another scenario, the platform may be able to
          global, with countries like Ecuador, Colombia, Kenya   reconcile weather reports with anticipated transit routes
          and the Netherlands growing, harvesting and shipping   to recommend a delayed departure. The shipment may
          roses across the world. Timing and temperature are   be late, but it’s better to be late than throw away pallets
          everything – they need to be picked and processed at   of roses on arrival because they were temperature-
          the right time and transported thousands of miles at   compromised.
          the right temperature and environment so they’re fresh,
          crisp and colourful for shoppers.                      At an operational level, environmental monitoring
                                                              systems can use sensors in heating, ventilation, air
          Cooling via vacuum and forced air methods, removing   conditioning and other systems to track air, humidity,
          infected flowers and avoiding botrytis blight and   light and other conditions in cold storage. They monitor
          damage from frost while in storage and transit are   conditions across a space, giving managers visibility into
          some of the concerns that harvesters and logistics   what is happening. Meanwhile, environmental sensing
          managers have to think about when it comes to the cold   systems monitor temperature, humidity, light and other
          chain. Exposure to the wrong environment could cause   conditions down to the item level and even after an item
          wasted inventory, lost revenue and negative consumer   has left cold storage. This means sensing systems can
          experiences. But how can suppliers, logistics and   travel with inventory such as roses, monitoring conditions,
          warehousing companies make sure their cold chain is   location and time as they move and share that information
          the best it can be?                                 during transit and upon arrival.

          Cold chain and environmental data visibility           Sensors can range from simple chemical-based
          Supply chain managers need accurate, timely, high-  sensors and passive USB monitoring devices to more
          level views of their inventory and supply chain with   advanced Bluetooth-enabled ones. For example,

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